Fatima 101 Years Later !



Today July 13 (2018) marks the 101th anniversary of the third apparition at Fatima on July 13th 1917, below some facts about the 3rd Secret confirming 2 Texts, 1 Vision (given to us in 2000 only, thanks again to the Holy Father Pope John Paul II) + 1 Text explaining the Vision, so  :

Fatima 3rd Secret =  1 Vision (about 60 lines) + 1 Text explaining that Vision (about 25 lines)

De facto, We already have the vision described by Sister Lucia and Published by the Vatican in 2000 (a text about 60 lines), that Vision of the 3rd Secret is also known as the “Vision of the Bishop in White” but to date we are still missing the Text of the Lady (another text about 25 lines), if you prefer the Words of the Queen of Heaven explaining that Vision, we know that this text is about 25 lines as said above but we know also the beginning as the end so below the Format of the Text :

A. Beginnin of the 3rd Secret : “in Portugal the Dogma of the Faith will always be Preserved…ect…”


B.  Missing Text of the Secret about 20 Lines only.………….Words of our Lady…………….explaining the Vision to the small sheiperds (in other words to small innocent Catholic children)………..


C. End of the 3rd Secret : ” In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”


D. Fatima 3rd Secret = 24/25 Lines in Portuguese (important detail to keep in mind)

In other words any other so called 3rd Secret published for years or recently without this Format are de facto fake text only.


E. As indicated in point B The missing Part is about 20 Lines only : But thanks God and Via a French and single Source (Frère Michel) known to us for years, these 20 missing lines are according to Sister Lucia in the Apocalypse Chapter 8 to Chapter 13, the Seer adding so read them.



The Fatima 3rd Secret is de facto :

in Portugal the Dogma of the Faith will always be Preserved…….Apocalypse Chapter 8 to Chapter 13.….In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

My Comment : So a written text in Portuguese on a simple sheet of paper of about 25 lines (thanks again to Bishop Venancio by the way my Favorite Garabandalist) explaining the Vision of the Secret given to us by Pope John Paul II in 2000, in reading the Format of the text known now to us, we can notice that the beginning and the end of the secret looks quite simple, in other words with simple words, to me there is nothing literary or incomprehensible, so simple words like those from a mother to small children but is this also the case for the 20 missing lines of the text pushing Rome not to disclose it to date to avoid any fear or imagination from the faithful as they are still telling us today, these 20 missing Lines related to the Apocalypse of St John from Chap 8 to Chap 13 according to Frère Michel, this missing part explaining in full with our Lady’s words the Published Vision of the Secret by Rome in 2000 ? why not and in that case our Lady probably started and ended her secret with simple words but then and within the 20 missing lines was probably using a more complicated and spiritual language more understandable for expert theologians later (for example) , something like giving the first line of her secret to 3 Shepherds then replacing them during the 20 missing lines with 3 expert theologians to finally recall the children and finishing her secret with simple words as she started, having of course in the meantime sent back the theologians to their studies just before the end of the text, of course why not !

Well it looks that Sister Lucia herself did not believe in this possibility, by the way recalling about the beginning of the Secret that she had already somehow publish it herself but what was already the Beginning of the missing text, ah yes ! just below :

“in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will be always preserved…ect….” so the following word is probably IF (like IF Portugal preserves this Dogma only of course but yet she already said always….) so why not but what about if the following word is BUT (but what ? you would say ?) well in that case probably something related to other countries as she was quoting Portugal just before (by the way I am writing this article from Portugal as well) so for example BUT USA, France, Spain…ect….or even whole continents as Frère Michel was thinking ,will or may lose the dogma of the Faith (By the way our Lady talked about THE Dogma and not THE Dogmas in the plural, strange no ? well if we knew the main Dogma she was talking about maybe we will know more who knows ?), so why not but did our Lady asked Portugal, USA, France, Spain and the whole world to Consecrate Russia, to my knowledge NO and where the Dogma of the Faith should be Preserved first of all ? In Portugal, the smallest Catholic Country ? well, my Friends I really don’t know myself, thank you.


Below Facts regarding a Fatima 3rd Secret with 2 Text, probably one of the best article online about this topic to my knowledge, enjoy !


Are There Two
Original Manuscripts
on the Third Secret?

by Andrew M. Cesanek

The question we must ask is whether the Third Secret of Fatima is completely contained within a single document or has it been written down as two documents. It appears that there are two documents containing the Third Secret. But what evidence is there to support the existence of a second document?

The existence of two documents (one being a letter written on a single sheet of paper, the other being in a notebook) is clearly testified to by various credible witnesses, including Sister Lucy, and these are mostly quoted in Frère Michel’s book The Whole Truth About Fatima – Volume III: The Third Secret. The 20,000 copies of the French edition of Volume III of Frère Michel’s book were published in 1985 and 1986 (after more than 4 years of research) and 50,000 copies of the English edition were published in 1990. It is not known that this book has ever been questioned for either authenticity or thoroughness of research — Volume III alone has over 1150 footnotes, citing numerous documents, witnesses, and testimonies. Frère Michel’s sources and his own testimonies have never been questioned; thus, Frère Michel is also to be considered a valid and credible witness. Frère François’ book Fatima: Tragedy and Triumph, an abridged version of Frère Michel’s The Third Secret, has also been consulted for this article. Frère François as also an acknowledged Fatima scholar, and during the last 7 years in which 100,000 copies of his book have appeared there has been no criticism of his facts and research.1

The purpose of this article will be to establish that there does exist two original manuscripts written by Sister Lucy on the Third Secret and that both documents were made available to the Church hierarchy. Frère Michel and Father Alonso report that Sister Lucy, in her own words, tells us that two documents do exist. Sister Lucy wrote to Bishop da Silva on January 9, 1944:

“I have written what you asked me; God willed to try me a little, but finally this was indeed His will: [the text] is sealed in an envelope and it is in the notebooks …”2

Frère Michel further states that Sister Lucy delivered both documents to Bishop da Silva, bishop of the diocese of Leiria-Fatima, in June 1944:

“The seer discretely handed the Bishop of Gurza the notebook in which she had slipped the envelope containing the Secret. That same evening, the bishop placed the envelope into the hands of Bishop da Silva …”3

The following table summarizes the different facts about each document which gives us further proof that in fact two manuscripts do exist for the Third Secret of Fatima (or at least they did exist up until the 1980’s lest it be proven later that the first has been lost or destroyed). We will examine these facts in the subsequent sections.


Number of Facts Alluded to by Various Witnesses
Third Secret Text #1
(June 26, 2000)
Released by Vatican
Third Secret Text #2
1 Text contains words of Our Lady. Text does not contain any words of our Lady.
2 Text transferred to Holy Office – April 16, 1957. Text transferred to Holy Office – April 4, 1957.
3 Written on a single sheet of paper. Written on 4 sheets of paper.
4 About 25 lines of text. 62 lines of text.
5 Text was ready on January 9, 1944. Text was ready on January 3, 1944.
6 Pope John Paul II read the text in 1978. Pope John Paul II read the text on July 18, 1981.
7 Pope John Paul II consecrated the world on June 7, 1981 after reading the text of 1978 but before reading the 4-page text which he only read on July 18, 1981. This text was not read by the Pope prior to his act of consecrating the world on June 7, 1981.
8 Written as a letter (addressed and signed). Not written as a letter (not addressed or signed), but as an entry in Sister Lucy’s notebook.
9 Stored by the Pope’s bedside. Stored in the Holy Office building.
10 Explains the vision. Describes the vision.

FACT #1:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #1 — Text #1
Contains the Words of Our Lady

The Vatican announcement appearing in the February 8, 1960 communique of the Portuguese news agency A.N.I. (at Rome) tells us that the text of the Third Secret (ie. Text #1 referred to in the table) contains the actual words of Our Lady:

“It has just been stated, in very reliable Vatican circles, to the representatives of United Press International, that it is most likely that the letter will never be opened, in which Sister Lucy wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three little shepherds in the Cova da Iria.”4 [emphasis added]

We also have Sister Lucy’s own words to testify that the Third Secret is in Our Lady’s words. Frère Michel reports:

“… in her third Memoir, written in July-August, 1941, Sister Lucy had been content to mention the existence of a third part of the Secret, but as yet she had said nothing about it. A few months later, in her fourth Memoir, written between October-December, 1941, she decided to say more. She recopied almost word for word the text of the third Memoir, but adding after the final words – ‘… and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world’ – the new sentence: ‘Em Portugal se conservara sempre o dogma da fe, etc.’”5

This new sentence translates into: “In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc.” — words of Our Lady. Frère Michel also reports:

“Indeed in 1943, when Bishop da Silva had asked her to write down the text [of the Third Secret], and she was encountering insurmountable obstacles in obeying this order, she declared that it was not absolutely necessary to do so, ‘since in a certain manner she had said it’.6 Undoubtedly she was alluding to the ten words discretely added in December, 1941 to the text of the great Secret – but added so discreetly that almost nobody noticed them.”7 [emphasis added]

This sentence introduces a new – and incomplete – thought into the Secret of Fatima. It suggests that there is more to follow — it suggests that the “etc.” is a placeholder for the third part of the Secret.

The Vatican’s June 2000 manuscript of the Third Secret (ie. Text #2 referred to in the table), published in the Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, contains no words of Our Lady; it describes the vision of the Secret seen by the three children of Fatima. In addition, this text does not explain the new sentence nor the “etc.” that Sister Lucy added to the Fatima Secret in her fourth Memoir. Thus, there is more text that follows the new sentence – words of Our Lady that are missing.

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #1

These facts demonstrate that there are two documents: one document contains the words of Our Lady; the other document describes the vision seen by the three children but with no words at all which are attributed to Our Lady.

FACT #2:

Dates of Transfer
Supporting Documentation for Fact #2 – Different

Frère François tells us when the text of the Third Secret was transferred to the Holy Office (now known as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith):

“Arriving at the Vatican on April 16, 1957, the Secret undoubtedly was placed by Pope Pius XII in his personal desk, inside a small wooden box, bearing the inscription Secretum Sancti Officii (Secret of the Holy Office).”8

It is important to note that the Pope was the head of the Holy Office prior to Pope Paul VI reorganizing the Vatican in 1967. Therefore, it was quite appropriate for the Pope to retain the Third Secret in his possession and for the box containing it to be labeled as “Secret of the Holy Office” — with the Pope being the head of the Holy Office, this box becomes part of the Holy Office archives.

The Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000, identifies Sister Lucy’s original text of the Third Secret as being transferred to the Holy Office on April 4, 1957. Furthermore, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, tells us:

“The sealed envelope was initially in the custody of the Bishop of Leiria. To ensure better protection for the ‘secret’ the envelope was placed in the Secret Archives of the Holy Office on 4 April 1957.”9

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #2

This difference of dates demonstrates that there are two documents: the document containing the vision was transferred to the Secret Archives of the Holy Office on April 4, 1957; the document containing the words of Our Lady was transferred to the Pope’s apartment, which can be considered a part of the Holy Office, on April 16, 1957.

daSilva.gif Bishop da Silva, from 1944 to 1957, was entrusted with keeping the third Secret. On the envelope containing the Secret — seen at the bottom of this photograph — he wrote with his own hand:

Este envelope com o seu conteudo sera entregue a Sua Eminencia O Sr. Cardeal D. Manuel, Patriarca de Lisboa, depois da minha morte.
Leiria, 8 Dezembro de 1945
†Jose, Bispo de Leiria. 

This envelope with its contents shall be entrusted to His Eminence Cardinal Manuel (Cerejeira), Patriarch of Lisbon, after my death.
Leiria, December 8, 1945
†Jose, Bishop of Leiria.

FACT #3:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #3 – Text #1
is a Single Sheet of Paper

Cardinal Ottaviani, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1967, stated that he had read the Third Secret and that it was written on a single sheet of paper. He testified to this fact on February 11, 1967, during a press conference at the time of a meeting of the Pontifical Marian Academy in Rome. Cardinal Ottaviani states:

“And then, what did she [Lucy] do to obey the Most Holy Virgin? She wrote on a sheet of paper, in Portuguese, what the Holy Virgin had asked her to tell …”10 [emphasis added]

Cardinal Ottaviani is a witness to this fact. In the same press conference, he states:

“I, who have had the grace and the gift to read the text of the Secret – although I too am held to secrecy because I am bound by the Secret …”11

Father Alonso reports that both Sister Lucy and Cardinal Ottaviani state that the Secret was written on a single sheet of paper:

“Lucy tells us that she wrote it on a sheet of paper. Cardinal Ottaviani, who has read it, tells us the same thing: ‘She wrote it on a sheet of paper …’.”12

We also have the testimony of Bishop Venancio, who was then the Auxiliary Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, that he was ordered by Bishop da Silva (the bishop of Leiria-Fatima) in mid-March 1957 to bring copies of all Sister Lucy’s writings — including the original of the Third Secret — to the Apostolic Nuncio at Lisbon for transferral to Rome. Before bringing Lucy’s writings to the Nuncio, Bishop Venancio looked at the envelope containing the Third Secret while holding it up to the light and saw that the Secret was “written on a small sheet of paper”.13 Frère Michel first identifies the nature of this testimony:

“However, thanks to the disclosures of Bishop Venancio, at the time Auxiliary Bishop of Leiria and intimately involved with these events, we now have many reliable facts which we will take care not to neglect. I myself received them from the mouth of Bishop Venancio on February 13, 1984, at Fatima. The former Bishop of Fatima repeated to me on this subject, almost word for word, what he had already said previously to Father Caillon, who gave a very detailed account of it in his conferences.”14

Here now is Bishop Venancio’s testimony, according to Frère Michel:

“Bishop Venancio related that once he was by himself, he took the great envelope of the Secret and tried to look through it and see the contents. In the bishop’s large envelope he discerned a smaller envelope, that of Lucy, and inside this envelope an ordinary sheet of paper with margins on each side of three quarters of a centimeter. He took the trouble to note the size of everything. Thus the final Secret of Fatima was written on a small sheet of paper.”15 [emphasis added]

The Vatican’s June 2000 manuscript of the Third Secret was written on four sheets of paper.

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #3

Again, this is another piece of evidence demonstrating that there are two documents: one consisting of a single sheet of paper, the other consisting of four sheets of paper.

FACT #4:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #4 – Text #1
is 25 Lines of Handwritten Text

As a result of the evidence cited in Fact #3 regarding the Third Secret being written on just one single sheet of paper, as provided by the testimonies of Sister Lucy, Cardinal Ottaviani, Bishop Venancio, and Father Alonso, Frère Michel and Frère François both agree that the text of the Third Secret contains only 20 to 30 lines:

    • “… we are just as certain that the twenty or thirty lines of the third Secret …”16
    • “The final Secret of Fatima, written on a small sheet of paper, is therefore not very long. Probably twenty to twenty-five lines …”17
  • Bishop Venancio looked ”at the envelope [containing the Third Secret] while holding it up to the light. He could see inside a little sheet of which he measured the exact size. We thus know that the Third Secret is not very long, probably 20 to 25 lines …”18

On the other hand, the Vatican’s June 2000 manuscript of the Third Secret contains 62 lines of handwritten text.

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #4

This discrepancy demonstrates that there are two documents: one with 20 to 30 lines of text on one sheet of paper, the other with 62 lines of text on four sheets of paper.

FACT #5:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #5 – Text #1
Was Not Ready by January 3

Lucy first attempted to write down the text of the Third Secret in October 1943. From that mid-October until early January 1944, Sister Lucy was prevented from obeying a formal order to write down the Third Secret by an unspeakable anguish that she experienced during this time.

This episode started in June 1943 when Sister Lucy came down with pleurisy, which caused Canon Galamba and Bishop da Silva to fear that she would die without having revealed the final Secret. Canon Galamba later convinced Bishop da Silva to suggest Sister Lucy to write down the Third Secret. However, Sister Lucy refused to comply with this suggestion because she did not want to take responsibility for such an initiative on her own, but she stated that she would obey an express command from him to write it down. Agonizing over this expressed suggestion, Sister Lucy was concerned that, without that formal command from her bishop, she did not yet have Our Lord’s permission to reveal the Third Secret.

In mid-October 1943, Bishop da Silva finally gave Sister Lucy the formal order to write down the Third Secret. Sister Lucy then set out to obey the bishop’s command but was unable to do so for the next two and a half months. Then only by divine intervention, after the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Lucy on January 2, 1944, to strengthen Sister Lucy and confirm to her that it was indeed God’s will that she write the words of the final secret was Sister Lucy finally able to overcome these difficulties and write down the Secret.19 But it was not until January 9, 1944, that Sister Lucy wrote the following note to Bishop da Silva, informing him that the Secret was finally written down:

“I have written what you asked me; God willed to try me a little, but finally this was indeed His will: [the text] is sealed in an envelope and it is in the notebooks …”20

The Vatican’s June 2000 manuscript of the Third Secret identifies that Sister Lucy’s original text of the Third Secret was ready on January 3, 1944, as indicated by this date appearing at the end of Sister Lucy’s 4-page handwritten document.21 Furthermore, Archbishop Bertone tells us:

“The third part of the ‘secret’ was written ‘by order of His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother …’ on 3 January 1944.”22

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #5

Considering the difficulties that Sister Lucy encountered for two and a half months, wouldn’t she have informed Bishop da Silva as soon as the document was ready. If she had completed the document by January 3, why would she wait until January 9 before informing her bishop? From this we may conclude that the text of the Third Secret was not ready until January 9, 1944 or very shortly before.

This difference of dates also demonstrates that there are two documents: the document containing the vision was completed on January 3, 1944; the document containing Our Lady’s words which explain the vision was completed on or very shortly before January 9, 1944.

Admittedly, this conclusion is dependent on circumstantial evidence – but Fatima scholars are reduced to this kind of evidence by the Fatima establishment still holding up since 1976 publication of the works of Father Joaquin Alonso, consisting of 5,000 documents in 14 volumes — the result of Father Alonso’s 11 years of research up to that time. Fr. Alonso was official archivist of Fatima for sixteen years. All other conclusions in this article, except possibly the conclusion to Fact #10, are not dependent on circumstantial evidence.

FACT #6:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #6 – Different
Dates for When Pope First Read Secret

On July 1, 2000, The Washington Post reported that Vatican officials recently provided contradictory dates for when Pope John Paul II read the Third Secret for the first time.

“On May 13, Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the pope first read the secret within days of assuming the papacy in 1978. On Monday, an aide to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said that the pope first saw it in the hospital after his attack.”23[emphasis added]

An article in the June 26, 2000 edition of The New York Times identified the aide to Cardinal Ratzinger:

“John Paul II read for the first time the text of the third secret of Fatima after the attack,” a top aide to Ratzinger, Monsignor Tarcisio Bertone, told journalists during a news conference to present the document.”24[emphasis added]

According to the Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000, the Vatican’s June 2000 manuscript of the Third Secret was not read by Pope John Paul II until July 18, 1981. Archbishop Bertone tells us:

“John Paul II, for his part, asked for the envelope containing the third part of the ‘secret’ following the assassination attempt on 13 May 1981. On 18 July 1981 Cardinal Franjo Seper, Prefect of the Congregation, gave two envelopes to Archbishop Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Substitute of the Secretariat of State: one white envelope, containing Sister Lucy’s original text in Portuguese; the other orange, with the Italian translation of the ‘secret’. On the following 11 August, Archbishop Martinez returned the two envelopes to the Archives of the Holy Office.”25

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #6

All these statements are true and can be reconciled if there are two documents: the Pope read the 1-page document confided to the envelope and containing the words of Our Lady in 1978, and then he read the 4-page document describing the vision on July 18, 1981.

FACT #7:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #7 – Text #1
Inspired Pope to Consecrate World

Immediately following the quote of Archbishop Bertone cited in Fact #6, the Archbishop goes on to tell us:

“As is well known, Pope John Paul II immediately thought of consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and he himself composed a prayer for what he called an ‘Act of Entrustment’, which was to be celebrated in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major on 7 June 1981 …”26

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #7

How could Pope John Paul II be moved by the Third Secret to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 7, 1981, when – according to Archbishop Bertone, as quoted in The Message of Fatima – the Pope did not actually read the Third Secret until July 18, 1981 – six weeks later?

Again, both statements are true and the discrepancy can be reconciled if there are two documents for the Third Secret: the Pope read the 1-page document containing the words of Our Lady in 1978 — and this is the text that moved him to consecrate the world on June 7, 1981 — and then he read the 4-page document describing the vision on July 18, 1981. Note that although it is well known that Our Lady of Fatima only asked for the specific Consecration of Russia, Pope John Paul II obviously considers these acts of consecration of the world as setting the stage for when he finally feels free to do the Consecration of Russia.

FACT #8:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #8 – Text #1
is a Letter

Sister Lucy, herself, tells us that the Third Secret was written as a letter. We have the written testimony of Father Jongen who, on February 3-4, 1946, interrogated Sister Lucy:

“‘You have already made known two parts of the Secret. When will the time arrive for the third part?’ ‘I communicated the third part in a letter to the Bishop of Leiria,’ she answered.”27 [emphasis added]

Next we have the decisive words of Canon Galamba:

“When the bishop refused to open the letter, Lucy made him promise that it would definitely be opened and read to the world either at her death or in 1960, whichever would come first.”28 [emphasis added]

In February 1960, the Patriarch of Lisbon declared:

“Bishop da Silva enclosed (the envelope sealed by Lucy) in another envelope on which he indicated that the letterhad to be opened in 1960 by himself, Bishop Jose Correia da Silva, if he was still alive, or if not, by the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon.”29 [emphasis added]

Father Alonso tells us:

“Other bishops also spoke – and with authority – about the year 1960 as the date indicated for opening the famous letter. Thus, when the then titular Bishop of Tiava, and Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon asked Lucy when the Secret was to be opened, he always received the same answer: in 1960.”30 [emphasis added]

In 1959, Bishop Venancio, the then new Bishop of Leiria, declared:

“I think that the letter will not be opened before 1960. Sister Lucy had asked that it should not be opened before her death, or not before 1960. We are now in 1959 and Sister Lucy is in good health.”31 [emphasis added]

The Vatican announcement of February 8, 1960 (appearing in a communique of the Portuguese news agency A.N.I.) also tells us that the text of the Third Secret was written as a letter:

“… it is most likely that the letter will never be opened, in which Sister Lucy wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret …”32 [emphasis added]

The text of the vision of the Third Secret has also been identified as a letter by the Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000. However, that manuscript of the vision of the Third Secret is not written as a letter – it is:

    1. 1. not addressed to anyone;
    1. 2. dated at the end — yet, according to custom in Portugal since the 18th Century, no letter is dated at the end but only at the beginning;
    1. 3. not signed by Sister Lucy or anyone else; and
  1. 4. clearly, it is not a letter.

Copies of letters written by Sister Lucy have been included in her published memoirs – these letters all have an addressee, a date, and her signature. Thus, we can expect that the 1-page document that was available on January 9, 1944 is a letter addressed to someone (Sister Lucy told Father Jongen in February 1946 that she sent it to the Bishop of Leiria) and it is signed by Sister Lucy.

Sister Lucy was offered the option to write the Third Secret in a letter or in her notebook; she decided to write it in both. According to Father Alonso, Sister Lucy wrote to Bishop da Silva on January 9, 1944:

“I have written what you asked me; God willed to try me a little, but finally this was indeed His will: [the text] is sealed in an envelope and it is in the notebooks …”33

Frère Michel reports that, on June 17, 1944:

“The seer discretely handed the Bishop of Gurza the notebook in which she had slipped the envelope containing the Secret. That same evening, the bishop placed the envelope into the hands of Bishop da Silva …”34

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #8

This demonstrates that there are two documents: Sister Lucy wrote the text of the Third Secret containing Our Lady’s words in a 1-page letter; she also wrote 4 pages of text — in her notebook — in which she described the corresponding vision. The 4 pages of text is what was released by the Vatican on June 26, 2000 as the manuscript of the Third Secret and it is clearly not a letter.


Photo in Paris Match taken by Robert Serrou,
of the wooden safe in the Papal apartments
in which was placed the 3rd Secret. 


FACT #9:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #9 – Text #1
Stored in Papal Apartment

Frère Michel reports the testimony of journalist Robert Serrou who, while doing a photo story at the Vatican on May 14, 195735 — about one month after the Third Secret had arrived at Rome on April 16, 1957 — discovered that the Third Secret was being stored in the Pope’s apartment by his bedside. Frère Michel tells us:

“… we now know that the precious envelope sent to Rome by Msgr. Cento was not placed in the archives of the Holy Office, but that Pius XII wanted to keep it in his own apartment.

“Father Caillon received this information from the mouth of journalist Robert Serrou, who himself got it from Mother Pasqualina, in this way. Robert Serrou was doing a photo story for Paris-Match in the apartments of Pius XII. Mother Pasqualina – this woman of great common sense who directed the handful of Sisters acting as the Pope’s housekeepers, and who sometimes received his confidences – was present.

“Before a little wooden safe placed on a table and bearing the inscription ‘Secretum Sancti Officii’ (Secret of the Holy Office), the journalist questioned the Mother: ‘Mother, what is in this little safe?’ She answered: ‘The third Secret of Fatima is in there…’

“The photograph of this safe – which we have reproduced here – was published in Paris-Match a year and a half later …”36

The photograph of this safe was published in the Oct 18, 1958, issue of Paris-Match37 and is here reproduced (see photo preceding Fact #9). The details of Serrou’s testimony were later confirmed in a letter he wrote to Frère Michel on January 10, 1985. In this letter, Robert Serrou states:

“It is exact that Mother Pasqualina did tell me, while showing me a little safe bearing a label with the mention, ‘Secret of the Holy Office’: ‘In there is the third Secret of Fatima’.”38

The Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000, tells us that the Third Secret had been stored in the building which houses the Holy Office. Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, tells us:

“The sealed envelope was initially in the custody of the Bishop of Leiria. To ensure better protection for the ‘secret’ the envelope was placed in the Secret Archives of the Holy Office on 4 April 1957.”39

In addition, we have also demonstrated in Fact #6 that Pope John Paul II read the text of the Third Secret (i.e. the 1-page document containing the words of Our Lady) in 1978 and then he read the 4-page document describing the vision on July 18, 1981. As stated in Fact #6, it was noted in the Holy Office archives that Pope John Paul II asked for the Third Secret in 1981, but there is no record of the Pope asking for the Secret in 1978 because he didn’t need to.

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #9

These facts demonstrate that there are two documents stored in two different locations and in two different archives. In 1978 Pope John Paul II read the text of the 1-page letter containing Our Lady’s words, which was stored in his apartment; therefore, the Pope did not need to request it from the Secret Archives of the Holy Office. In 1981 Pope John Paul II read the 4 pages of text containing the description of the vision from Sister Lucy’s notebook, which was stored in the Holy Office building — this text he had to request from the Secret Archives of the Holy Office.

(Translation of the Text of the Vision in the 3rd Secret released by the Vatican)

J.M.J. The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917.
I write in obedience to you, my God, Who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.
“After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from Her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance , Penance, Penance!’. And we saw in an immense light that is God; ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.

In the translation, the original text has been respected, even as regards the imprecise punctuation, which nevertheless does not impede an understanding of what the visionary wished to say.

FACT #10:

Supporting Documentation for Fact #10 – Text #1
Explains the Vision

In Sister Lucy’s “Fourth Memoir” we read that, during the apparition of Our Lady on June 13, 1917, after Sister Lucy had asked Our Lady to take the three seers to Heaven, Our Lady responded:

“Yes, I will take Jacinta and Francisco soon. But you are to stay here some time longer. Jesus wishes to make use of you to make Me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. To whoever embraces this devotion I promise salvation …”40

Sister Lucy then proceeds to give us a description of the corresponding vision that the three seers were graced to see immediately after Our Lady spoke the above words — words which explain the meaning of the vision.

“As Our Lady spoke these last words, She opened Her hands and for the second time, She communicated to us the rays of that immense light. We saw ourselves in this light, as it were, immersed in God. Jacinta and Francisco seemed to be in that part of the light which rose towards Heaven, and I in that which was poured out on the earth.”41

Thus, we see that Our Lady provides a vision to the children and explains it as well.

In the Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000, we read Sister Lucy’s description (taken from her “Third Memoir”) of the vision of Hell given to the three little shepherds during the apparition of Our Lady on July 13, 1917.

“Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.”42

Following that account, Sister Lucy then proceeds to tell us Our Lady’s words explaining what this vision means.

You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”43 [emphasis added]

Even though the children knew what they saw, nevertheless Our Lady tells them “You have seen Hell.” Once again, we see that Our Lady provides a vision to the children and explains it as well.

In contrast to the above descriptions of visions and the corresponding words of Our Lady explaining them, we read only a description of a vision (a portion of which is given below) in the Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000:

“After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand … Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.”44

This manuscript of the Third Secret provided by the Vatican on June 26, 2000, however, contains no words of Our Lady.

What Can Be Concluded Regarding Fact #10

Where are the words of Our Lady to explain this vision? If Our Lady did not say anything to explain this vision, it is not consistent with previous similar situations in the course of Her apparitions. Neither is it consistent with the evidence that we have previously cited in Fact #1.

If the teaching authority – meaning the Pope himself — is not imposing a specific interpretation on this vision — and it is not — (i.e. another interpretation may also be valid) and if we don’t have the grace to understand this vision on our own, then there is all the more reason to believe that Our Lady would explain to us the meaning of the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima. In fact, Cardinal Ratzinger tells us that the “Theological Commentary” within the Vatican’s booklet, The Message of Fatima, released on June 26, 2000, is an attempt at an interpretation of the vision of the Third Secret. In the “Theological Commentary”, Cardinal Ratzinger states:

“In what follows, therefore, we can only attempt to provide a deeper foundation for this interpretation, on the basis of the criteria already considered.”45 [emphasis added]

Cardinal Ratzinger also confirmed that a specific interpretation is not being imposed on this vision during a press interview. On July 1, 2000, The Washington Post reported:

“Ratzinger, asked to comment on the pope’s reading of the vision, said there is ‘no official interpretation’ and that the text is not dogma.”46 [emphasis added]

Conclusion of the Facts Provided
Regarding The Existence of Two Original Manuscripts
Written by Sister Lucy on the Third Secret

In conclusion, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the existence of two documents. One document is the 4 sheets of paper containing 62 lines of text copied from Sister Lucy’s notebook (not written as a letter), which describes a vision seen by the three children of Fatima — it does not contain any words of Our Lady. This text was written down by Sister Lucy on January 3, 1944, transferred to the Holy Office on April 4, 1957, read by Pope John Paul II on July 18, 1981 (but did not move him to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 7, 1981), was stored in the Holy Office, and released by the Vatican on June 26, 2000.

The other document is the 1-page letter containing about 25 lines of Our Lady’s own words. This text was written down by Sister Lucy on or very shortly before January 9, 1944, transferred to the Holy Office on April 16, 1957, read by Pope John Paul II in 1978 (and moved him to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 7, 1981), was stored in the Pope’s apartment by his bedside, and to this day remains unreleased by the Vatican.





57 thoughts on “Fatima 101 Years Later !

  1. “In Portugal, the smallest Catholic Country?”

    10 miilion is the smalllest?

    Lithuania is the smallest Catholic Country. Lithuania also is the youngest catholic country in Europe:) Like John the Apostle in NT. Our bishops forbade Holy Communion in hands, so our church don’t participate in Jesus mystical Body – His Holy Church – crucifixion. Our coats of arms – White rider on white horse with double cross – sign of victory from Revelation.
    The Catholic Church of Lithuania like John the Apostle is resting on the most Sacred Jesus Heart – Divine Mercy source. In Lithuania we have first true Jesus blessed Divine Mercy picture in Shrine of Divine Mercy in Vilnius. We also have in Vilnius Gate of Dawn – i.e eastern gate, golden gate, shushan (lily) gate and gate of mercy (Our Lady of Gate of Dawn – the most pure Lily – Mother of Mercy decorated in golden robe, ) in one.
    According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah (שכינה) (Divine Presence) used to appear through the eastern Gate, and will appear again when the Anointed One (Messiah) comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3) and a new gate replaces the present one;
    In Portugal Holy Communion is allowed in hands, so Portugal Church is participating in Mystical Church crucifixion and Portugal church is unfaithful to Jesus.
    Communion into hands of sinners began in 1960. Sister Lucy spoke about this year:)
    Maybe after warning Portugal Church convert and return to Jesus?

    ” Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners.” (Matthew 26:45)

  2. Pete ,

    A beautiful response from you.

    Anonymous , Let us too not forget that Christ himself reminds us to be faithful as he reminded his apostles during the storm Where is your Faith.? And Christ as mentioned said nothing to Herod as he was mocked and clothed shamefully ! We can do much ourselves while we believe in the Messages and lead good lives ourselves and as Pete said follow the messages. Pray pray and pray and lead good lives. We can’t do too much about the Vatican and all the Judas’s within the Church. Judas one of 12 failed and betrayed. One of his apostles. A close friend for 3 years. The others except for possibly John , all but left him and betrayed him essentially . Only his Mother along with John and possibly a few other disciples at the crucifixion .

    Peter denied him…. yet he became pope ! Stay on the ark ! It’s smelly and full of sinners but the Catholic Church will never collapse. It may be come much smaller. So what ! I think you know the catechism. I believe 676 in the catechism speaks of this final trial . No doubt we are here now. Put on the armor of God Find a great parish and the Latin Mass. Say the rosary everyday. Pray to not be sifted , catechize your family , follow the teachings of Augustine , Liguori , Aquinas , Saint Francis , John of the Cross. Avila , and so many other great teachers / saints

    Asteroids ? And all this other stuff. So what ! Be in a state of grace. Lead your friends to Christ. Be ready to be a martyr ! Try to Love Christ His Mother , our Mother Mary. and the Trinity more everyday. This will be what it is going to be . This will be terrible I feel in many ways. Screaming and yelling will do nothing. Living as Christ said and asked and taught.and excactly what Mary has asked of us is really all you can do

    Let the Theologians and Magisterium battle this out. Two sides ? I don’t think it will be difficult to know the truth and whom to follow. It will more so be if you are willing to be humiliated and stand quietly and firmly and not deny Christ.

    Peace. Let us pray for all the Church. For all the world. For all the sons and daughters of God.

    Sorry for the poor sentence structure in this. ( a quick response ) God Bless AVISIO and all of you.


    • Thank you Joe, your comments hit the nail right on the head, for what it is worth all the Saints you mentioned have mentored me via their writings and life lived over the years.

      God bless

    • Hi Joe.
      Thanks for your message.
      Personally, I am not afraid at all. On the contrary, I am in great peace…
      “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke, 21:28).
      God bless!

  3. Aviso: thanks for all you have done!! Remember you can not please everyone, and because of your work towards Our Lady you will have enemies. Hope to see you in person the day of the Miracle.

  4. For your Information,

    Under the guidance of my lawyer, I decided to cancel my article about the CNN’s Garabandalist, I also instructed him to check any new slander about my image online, if in 1 click a work of several years can be erased so I did well to stop my “online apostolate”, de facto and please do no longer contact me privately about these “modernists” or ask me to confirm or not their rumors, this is not my fight anymore, by the Way you have this blog and my Friends as our Moderators will be pleased to reply to any questions about Garabandal.

    I will end with these few words, My greatest Respect has always been with our Catholic Sisters, many of them are close to me in Private and are Praying for me daily, I never attacked the person but I always defended the cause, in other words the Garabandal Cause, so I reconfirm, I will not be back online anymore, thank you.

    PS : My Friends, do not let the vultures destroy my name and our work, de facto I dedicate my last message online to all Catholic mothers and to my children.

    God Bless, Aviso

      • How do the sources in Garabandal think about this question and will “Aviso” let us know, if he meets that sources next or this week in Garabandal?

        • Anonymous and James. I cannot foresee any circumstance whereby Conchita would share a private opinion on the matter and in particular state anything contrary to that which has been declared in public or private by Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict XVI (rightly or wrongly) acknowledges and affirms Pope Francis as his successor. The Seers always adhered to a strict code of obedience to the Pope/Church. As Archbishop Gänswein suggested in his May 20th 2016 address, ‘Benedict XVI had not really resigned as Pope after all — or at least not in full.’ and in another place suggests that as a consequence, ‘Pope Francis is the active member of the Petrine Office, whilst he himself (Benedict XVI) is the contemplative member.’

          God bless

      • Please be serious!
        Pete: you too.
        Being obedient does not mean we are authorized to be stupid!
        Suppose that I declare (I am married) that, from now on, I will consider myself ‘honorary spuose’ and I will lease to my worst ennemy (for alleged health issues, both spiritual and physical) the role of ‘active spuose’, with all the connected obligations and rights.
        With the same attitude has to be considered the affirmation of Gänswein by whoever is supposed to possess the light of the Holy Spirit and the gift of intelligence.
        It’s time to wake up! Time is getting (very) short and an evaluation error on this matter might be fatal to one’s soul…

        • Anonymous, citing obedience to the established authority of the Church, which embodies the Petrine Office and Magisterium does not equate to stupidity. Nor can the same criticism be applied to Archbishop Gänswein in his attempting to fathom the unusual circumstance of a Pope Emeritus which, whilst without precedent, is not yet a canonical prohibition. Also, your metaphor is not helpful, the papacy is not a sacrament, a reigning Pope alongside a Pope Emeritus is not similar to the complementary union of marriage and its binding vows of fidelity one to another. If it were then yes, ‘stupidity’ would apply, particularly when as in your example, there are three players involved. This said I do of course get the point you are making.

          My reference to obedience in the context of the question does not imply one is thereby dutifully bound to give assent to any papal proposition that intentionally (or otherwise) obfuscates objectively sinful acts to the extent that they can be/are allowed to be interpreted as not necessarily so under certain subjective circumstances, (which as you rightly say ‘might be fatal to one’s soul’).

          Prudence in the present climate of the two Popes does not mean one is oblivious to the potential gravity of the situation and its context in relation to private revelation. Fr. Alessandro Minutella, whilst considered by some as heroic could also be an example of imprudence. Would you ask the same of Conchita and for what, the sake of your curiosity? Not one person has come forward with unequivocal evidence that proves the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the Papacy was illegitimate or flawed. No one can even pin material heresy on anything he has said or written. What we do have from him is wholesale confusion and “who am I to judge”, in the name of mercy and accompaniment toward the condoning and even sacramental blessing of behaviours that are utterly objectionable to God and detrimental to the salvation of souls involved.

          I am reminded that in a battle, there is a time for flight, a time to be silent and a time to fight. Our Lady and St. Joseph fled their impending martyrdom under the persecution of the innocence by King Herod, Our Lady remained silent in the face of injustice and religious hatred at the trial and crucifixion of Her Beloved Son, and beyond Pentecost the Apostles fought against false religion even unto martyrdom. In all Her messages to the world Our Beloved Mother has again and again emphasised Her council to us, that the most effective remedy we have in these times, is the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, the first five Saturdays of Reparation, visit the Blessed Sacrament often but first we must lead good lives. It is not the screaming from the pulpit a revolution or righteous indignation at those in error, it is the silence of assured faith. It’s time to wake up you say, yes you are right, but it is a waking up to the call and power of prayer and penance as the armour and weapons of this battle, nothing less and nothing more.

          God bless

      • Pete, again, and for the last time (then I will stop forever contributing here, like Aviso just did, because I am not conviced anymore that it is worth the time spent): WAKE UP. In your soul’s interest, and the one of the readers (even if, like in a previous occasion, I wonder if you are in good faith: I hope so for your eternal fate).
        The essence of the Message of Fatima was the warning of Our Lady about a false church, a false conclave, a bad mass. If you prefer, you can remind the prediction of Our Lady at La Salette: Rome wil loose the faith, and became the seat of the antichist. HERE WE ARE: simple like that. And not recognizing this or (even worse!) trying to justifying the present situation of two ‘popes’ as legitimate (as you just did), might have irreparable consequences for salvation. The true relationship between Ratzinger and Bergoglio is the one Aviso sketched in his past contributions about the St. Gallen ‘mafia’ (the term used by card. Danneels, the group’s boss): you should know your own website!. Rome is currently completely hijacked by the freemasons which, since Vatican II, had progressively occupied it (with God permission, to test our fidelity): the canonically ungrounded invention of the ‘bifurcation’ of the papal office is the ‘fig leaf’ hunged on in a precarious manner in the attempt of hiding this sad truth. The consequences are the one you can read yourself in the writings of blessed Catherine Emmerick, which I strongly reccommended you to do carefully, or that you can observe yourself looking at the current status of the Catholic faith.
        I do not have anything to add…Goodbye and God bless (if you are in good faith)…

        • My Dear Anonymous, if you had read all my comments across the many articles, you would see that we are essentially on the same page, we deviate only in our view of how things will unfold and materially occur. That which one holds privately is not always for public consumption, not yet at least. There is a long road ahead. Have I not already referred to these times as a Tribulation? have I not also referred to these times as permitted by God as a means of revealing the darnel growing among the wheat? See it is almost in full flower and becoming increasingly obvious to those holding on to the Truths of our faith. Do you recognise the darnel as those scholars and parishioners who promote novelty and error, as those Priests, Bishops and Cardinals who commit sacrilege by giving Holy Communion to those in unrepentant adultery, who give communion to non-Catholics and even non believers as I have seen in my own parish, who celebrate the perversion of same sex relationships. What do you suppose the article the ‘Construction of the Anti-Church….’ is going to be about? What I will not do is let go of the Bark of Peter even if the Smoke of Satan reaches the very top, I will not stop rowing toward safer seas, I will not doubt that all is in His Hands, I will accept there is little I can effect except be obedient to the council of Our Blessed Mother. Do you seriously think that I am not acutely aware of all approved and approval pending private revelation from across the centuries, why do you think I spend my time supporting this site?

          Don’t give up challenging, it stimulates debate and we need to debate in these times, its one way of guiding one another, but also do not assume so much about others.

          God bless

        • You said that I am; ‘trying to justifying the present situation of two ‘popes’ as legitimate (as you just did).’ I do not attempt legitimacy, but point out that if there is evidence of an illegal election, why has it not surfaced after these five years, and therefore the alleged usurper of the Petrine Office subsequently removed. ‘A Pope under the influence of Satan’ is still a Pope. Our Lady did not say ‘false Pope,’ or ‘one dressed like a Pope’ or even a ‘Bishop dressed in white confused as a Pope.’ She said ‘a Pope.’ To say as I did, that there is no precedent for the current situation does not imply the election was legitimate. Equally, what if it was legitimate as is suggested by the Pope in retirement, Benedict the XVI? Many want to suggest Francis is The Antichrist: is he? A Pope under the influence of Satan (and what does that mean in actuality), does not necessarily equate to being The Antichrist. An interesting article just published by One Peter 5 offers some food for thought.


          Dear readers, also please be reminded, the published messages of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Garabandal concern confusion in the Church even unto Cardinals opposing Cardinals as well as less and less importance given to the Holy Eucharist etc. They do not concern or point toward the rise of a Pope who would be antichrist. This event, revealed under other Heavenly Visitations, is to be fulfilled some time after the Great Miracle and the establishment of the Permanent Sign at the Pines. It precedes the Final Chastisement and this entity will only be removed by the event of Christ’s Second Coming, which marks the end of time. The Garabandal Seers confirm we are at an end of an epoch only. To the best of my knowledge they did not confirm their prophesied chastisement relating to the ‘cup is already overflowing’ as being the one that preceds Christ’s return, i.e. The Final Chastisement.

          God bless

          • And whilst I’m on the subject may I also refer readers to the following summary written by Colin B. Donovan, STL of EWTN

            The term “end-times” applies both to the era of Christ’s first coming (Heb 1:2, 1 Cor 10:11, Heb 9:26) and to the events immediately before his return and the end of the ages (Mt 24:13, 2 Tim 2:1, 2 Peter 3:3). The definitive Catholic teaching on the endtimes is contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the discussion of the article of the Creed, “From thence He will come again to judge the living and the dead.” [CCC 668-682]
            As the Creed infallibly teaches, the Second Coming is associated with the end of the world and the Last Judgment. Therefore, it is NOT associated with any earlier time – such as to establish a “Millennium.” The Catholic Church specifically condemns “millenarianism,” according to which Jesus will establish a throne in this world and reign here for a thousand years [CCC 676]. She teaches instead that Jesus already reigns in eternity (1 Cor. 15:24-27, Rev. 4 & 5) and that in this world His reign, established as a seed, is found already in the Church [CCC 668-669]. This is the 1000 years, which is the Hebrew way of indicating an indefinite long time – in this case, the time between the first and second comings, the era of the Church, in other words the last days in the broadest sense.The Book of Revelation situates this era between the persecutions of the Roman antichrists of the first century and the final unleashing of evil at the end.
            Naturally, non-Catholics cannot accept that the Catholic Church represents Christ in this world, so they are forced to look for a personal earthly reign somewhere out in the future. The notion that Jesus will come, reign, and then depart, so that the devil can trick the world again, is incompatible with the incomprehensible dignity of the Lord and His love for His people. Jesus’ Coming will be definitive, triumphant and ever-lasting, NOT temporal and limited.
            As for the Rapture, the meaning of 1 Thes 4:15-17 is that at the return of Christ (v.15) and the General Resurrection of the Dead (v.16), those who survive the persecution of the Antichrist will have no advantage in being resurrected over those who died before His Coming [CCC 1001]. All will go to meet Him and be with Him forever (v.17; cf. Rev 20:17-21:27).

            The Catechism provides us with a general order of events at the End [CCC 673-677]. Chronologically they are,
            1. the full number of the Gentiles come into the Church
            2. the “full inclusion of the Jews in the Messiah’s salvation, in the wake of the full number of the Gentiles” (#2 will follow quickly on, in the wake of, #1)
            3. a final trial of the Church “in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth.” The supreme deception is that of the Antichrist.
            4. Christ’s victory over this final unleashing of evil through a cosmic upheaval of this passing world and the Last Judgment.
            As Cardinal Ratzinger recently pointed out (in the context of the message of Fátima), we are not at the end of the world. In fact, the Second Coming (understood as the physical return of Christ) cannot occur until the full number of the Gentiles are converted, followed by “all Israel.”
            Approved Catholic mystics (Venerables, Blessed and Saints, approved apparitions) throw considerable light on this order, by prophesying a minor apostasy and tribulation toward the end of the world, after which will occur the reunion of Christians. Only later will the entire world fall away from Christ (the great apostasy) and the personal Antichrist arise and the Tribulation of the End occur.
            Although this is not Catholic doctrine, arising as it does from private revelation, it conforms to what is occurring in our time, especially in light of Our Lady of Fátima’s promise of an “Era of Peace.” This “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart” (other saints have spoken of a social reign of Jesus Christ when Jesus will reign in the hearts of men) would seem to occur prior to the rise of the Antichrist. The optimism of the Pope for the “New Evangelization” and a “Civilization of Love” in the Third Millennium of Christianity fits here, as well. This would place us, therefore, in the period just before the events spoken of in the Catechism, that is, on the verge of the evangelization of the entire world. Other interpretations are possible, but none seem to fit the facts as well, especially when approved mystics are studied, instead of merely alleged ones.

            MY COMMENT. The key paragraph from the above that implies a connection to the Garabandal prophesies and the vision of Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich is as follows:

            ‘Approved Catholic mystics (Venerables, Blessed and Saints, approved apparitions) throw considerable light on this order, by prophesying a minor apostasy and tribulation toward the end of the world, after which will occur the reunion of Christians. Only later will the entire world fall away from Christ (the great apostasy) and the personal Antichrist arise and the Tribulation of the End occur.’

            I believe we are in the time of the ‘minor apostasy and tribulation (the Anti-Church). This will be put right by the Warning, Miracle and Permanent Sign. Thereafter will follow:
            – The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart (if not between the Warning and Miracle).
            – The re-union of Christians.
            – The major conversion of the Gentiles.
            – The conversion of the Jews.
            – A period of a 1000 years (in the biblical sense of the number), defined as the new epoch of the Apostolic Church.
            – A generational falling away of the faith culminating in the appearance of The Antichrist, the subsequent Major Apostasy, Tribulation and End.

            God bless

  5. My Friends, please do not blame me for the dates, this is a very speculative topic, of course I have investigated that topic with some in the village as well, I chose each source myself, by Source I mean only those who are very closed to the 4 seers, again to the 4 Seers and not to 1 only, this is a very important detail, de facto some details were given to me as some possible years, unfortunately 2 very good Sources were already wrong but what I can add, each Source agreed on one point, the Day of the Death of Pope Benedict will be probably related to this topic.

    By the Way, this is my last message online and this time it’s for sure, I will keep contact with my good friends in private only, I leave you in very Good Hands :

    Peter : A Great Garabandalist, his humility, his piety, his knowledge of the Teachings of the Church, his writtings….will surprise many of you, with Peter, the Lady of the Carmel will be honored and defented as she should

    Juan : A Great Garabandalist as well, you have with Juan someone from the Village of Garabandal who will be able to check any rumors from the false friends of the Lady of the Carmel and be sure there are many.

    Let me end with these words, my goal was to bring back the Lady of the Carmel with the Teachings of Church and to remove the Garabandal cause from the modernists who pollute our Church for so many years, it was a Great fight, they did not let me breathed and I and my friends as well, I remind you that the Lady of the Carmel in Garabandal was just 1 Year after the Year 1960 and during the last council, in other words as they chose to bury Fatima, Our Lady answered them by returning to Garabandal simple as that, to me this is the most beautifull story of the Lady on earth, even her enemies have never been able to bury the Lady of Carmel in Garabandal of course some chose to make her say what she never said to denigrate her, this is also why I am very angry with some Garabandalist, who will stay by the way my Brothers for ever at least to me, who are promoting false rumors without verification, I do not remember myself how many of these rumors I was obliged to debunk during all these years, now I am tired, I leave this fight to others.

    Again Forgive me if I hurt anyone of you, my character has always been my greatest weakness but please Do not forget to still Pray for me, as you know you are Great, thank you.

    • God Bless you, Aviso. You have always given your all. Your passion shone through and no rebuke from you was ever meant to be personal. You are a fountain of knowledge and I will miss you. Take care.

    • Dear Aviso, as far as I am concerned I only have to thank you because this website has helped me a lot in my journey back to the real faith. I was interested in the dates only at the beginning. Now I have moved to a completely different level. I am wearing the brown scapular, I’m praying the rosary every day with my daughter and many other spiritual gifts have entered my life. Prophecies are there to correct us before it’s too late. It doesn’t really matter if and when they will be fulfilled. Of course I will pray for you. Thanks again

    • Dear All,

      When Pope Benedict XVI (the one and only living legitimate pope) will die, as he is currently the ‘Katekon’ (=principle preventing the antichrist to fully manifest himself) mentioned in the letters of Saint Paul, the antichrist will manifest himself publicly as such (and Bergoglio, invoking his false religious authority, will support him). The situation of the Church will then start to get worse and worse at an accelerated pace (until the open persecution of the true believers…): in fact, the so far uninterrupted apostolic legacy of Saint Peter will be temporarily broken (which is the prerequisite for the antichrist to manifest integrally: Saint Paul dixit). The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (provided that the current one ‘una cum’ Bergoglio is still valid…which could even not be the case) will openly be suspended (it will continue somewhere, in clandestine form).
      Whoever does not understandand this NOW, will likely not sustain the strong hardships we, as Christian, will have to go through. Whoever will side in the future with Bergoglio (and thus with the antichrist) will loose ethernally his/her own soul

      …Pray…offer sacrifices…God bless…

      P.S. This does not mean that Benedict XVI is and has been a good pope. In fact, he is/has not. In his past there are innominable actions he has willingly committed (and that’s why he could have been forced to ‘resign’) that I cannot even mention and, moreover, he brings a grave responsibility for the current confusion he has contributed to create in the Mystical body. Nonetheless he is the (one and only) current pope and his sacred ministerial funcion is independent from his moral responsibily and actions and is, thus, undisputed. For his past despicable actions he will respond, as anyone of us, to Our Lord shortly…

  6. Aviso: ““I have not been able to re-check this RUMOR given to me years ago in the village, whenever I will be able to do it, I will let you know.”
    Bur wasn’t this , allegedly, one of the most reliable sources available in Garabandal, in constant contact with Aviso, and wasn’t this an info given for sure after careful consideration and discernment?
    My humble suggestion: stop guessing about dates, based on questionable ‘rumors’, and stop censor contribution that gives real value added to the discussion…Otherwise it is better if you close this blog…also because Aviso himself seems to be very disaffected to it…like it is now risk to be rather useless, if not even misleading…

    • Anonymous. Just to clarify, Richard asked the question. “I believe [Aviso] was going to get back to us this summer regarding [the] “source” who stated that the Warning was before 2020.”

      The only reference to a ‘source’ concerning the rumoured timing of the Warning published by Aviso is the extracted statement below taken from his Article ‘Garabandal why 2018?’

      ‘Shortly after, another reader contacted me privately and confirms to me that Loli said many years ago to a Priest that the Warning will take place during an even year, I was aware of this rumor but I never works on it, so I spent few months to get more details and concluded that it was really the case but waited for my planned trip to Garabandal last summer for the Baptism to double check this important detail in the village.’

      The ‘source’ is a ‘reader’ and the timing is not the year itself, but only that it is an even year. Aviso clearly states thereafter, that 2018 is his own opinion only and then subsequently explains why he thinks 2018.

      The ‘source’ is not described by Aviso as one who revealed the year or as you assert ‘one of the most reliable sources available in Garabandal.’ Nor as someone that Aviso claims to be ‘in constant contact with.’

      Once again you fly off the handle and make statements that are inaccurate and resort to insult.

      If you have nothing positive to offer, then offer nothing until you do.

      God bles

      • confused …

        “Aviso” on March 03.

        Aviso : Can you just reply with Yes or No ?
        Source : About what ?
        Aviso : Is the Warning Year before the Year 2020 ?
        Source : Yes

        Garabandal summer 2015

        My Comment : To me The source is very good, probably the best one (around this planet) within the Garabandal Cause, I promised never to talk about it online, today I decided it was time to talk about it, thank you.

        • Hi Anonymous, thanks for finding the relevant comments in response to the original article, you are right and for my part I have only added confusion. In fact Aviso later confirmed (04/03/18), that the rumour I referred to, of an even year for the Warning, was unfounded and this was confirmed to him by a contact in the village.

          God bless

  7. My friends, slowly but surely I will be off from “my online apostolate”, I have already wanted to stop many times in the past but I have never succeeded, I still have some details to finalize especially concerning the 3rd secret of Fatima, in all case I leave you in good hands, Pete and Juan, so I’ll be online much less as it’s already the case, please do not forget to Pray for me as well, thank you.

  8. As our Lord said: I am the truth. Not truths or 5 truths or 10 truths or a single truth. He is all truth. As is dogma. The dogma of faith is all of the dogmas of the Church where salvation is found and only there. Therefore the Faith will continue in Portugal enough so that it will always retain the Universal faith. The rest of the world not so. Hell gone. Eucharist gone. Sin gone. Christ as God, Second Person of the Trinity, Lord, Master, Teacher, and Brother in the flesh gone. Literally a Christless church without doctrine and dogma.

    • Yes, I wholeheartedly agree Claudia. Aviso’s blog is a blessing for all, especial those who may have no other means by which they can candidly share their faith, ask questions, participate with others on the journey of discernment regarding the ‘Signs of the Times’ and receive support from our wider family in faith,

      God bless

  9. Dear Pete,
    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy work schedule to thoroughly refute the Planet X nonsense. There was nothing devious about your moderating the comments on this blog.

    Other forums, such as Catholic Answers, do not allow discussion of Garabandal at all. So, it is a blessing to have Aviso’s blog for the purpose of discussion and advancing an understanding of the messages and prophecies of Garabandal. However, if someone begins promoting a non-Christian interpretation of these events connected with aliens and conspiracy theories without any moderation, then this blog and forum are discredited and will turn people away from the truth.

    Thank you and God bless.

  10. Hello Pete,
    very good response and explanation concerning the warning and Planet X!
    So much confussion in these times, it was promised by Our Lady!

    Thank you and God bless you

  11. A hint:
    COMMUNISM (as mentioned in Garabandal), not RUSSIA (as mentioned in Fatima) will strike. And COMMUNISM will strike (mainly) from the USA(Clinton-Soros’s ‘Deep State’)/CHINA (with the EU and the Vatican paying the higher cost in term of blood shed), not from Russia. Garabandal was the response of Our Lady to the fact that Her requests in Fatima were not met. Consequently, Communism had widespread, and the Consacration will happen, after the incoming Nuclear War…

    • Hello Anonymous,

      Your argument is incorrect. If we accept that Garabandal is an extension of Fatima and Russia is God’s instrument for punishing the Nations in Fatima, then Communism will be the method used as mentioned in Garabandal.

      Then logically, this means that Russia will be God’s instrument for punishing the Nations, AND Russia will use the method of Communism to do so. This is the logical reasoning that comes from accepting that Garabandal is an extension of Fatima.

      Also, your argument goes against the current Geopolitics of the World. With Trump as President of the USA (and he may potentially remain President of the USA for the next 6 Years), then the USA is a staunch Capitalist nation. It is more so than ever before.

      Your reference to Clinton-Soros does not apply because they are not in power in America. It is Trump and the Republicans. Besides, Clinton’s career in politics is finished, her party the Democrats hate her. She is now an old woman, a geriatric you can say.

      Also your reference to China does not apply because USA under Trump with trade war can potentially lead to Military War between USA and China. Thus, China is enemy of USA.

      Again the current Geopolitical reality is that USA will become friends with Russia, because the American President Trump wants this with Putin.

      Thus, America and China cannot be the nations used by God to bring Communism. Do you see the logic?


      • Hi Pepe,
        Thanks for your comments.
        The answer is in my posts that, unfortunately, Pete censored.
        If and when this blog will became more open-minded, I will answer adequately.
        For the moment, I can’t do more. Sorry.

        • Dear Anonymous.

          You posted an article a couple of days ago which I promised publicly to take a closer look at prior to deciding if I should post it to the Garabandal News page. My delay in doing so is simply the impact of my work load on my free time, so please accept my apologies. I have subsequently decided not to publish it, reasons why are explained below. I have however, taken the main themes and statements from your post in synopsis and responded accordingly.

          Notably your unpublished post is once again themed around Planet-X.

          Anonymous begins: ‘Some contributions to better understand the ‘visible’ aspects of the Aviso…

          You state: ‘Conchita, before, 1980 did not highlight so much the fact that the Warning will also have an external aspect. In other words that it could be also seen’ besides being felt. There are exceptions, but [such are] more in the form of Freudian lapses or allusion, like the one at 16:30 minutes in the following 1973 video interview.’ https://youtu.be/J94A1CMslEg

          My Point 1. Your statement couldn’t be further from the truth. The Warning was first revealed to Conchita on January 1st 1965. Conchita, from 1965 onwards has been explicit about the visible aspect of the warning, for example;

          Evidence 1. Joseph A Pelletier, A.A. refers the reader to 18 questions submitted by friends to Conchita on 14th September 1965 of which four relate to the Warning, (I have extracted the pertinent question and answer from a first edition copy of Our Lady Comes to Garabandal Including Conchita’s Diary, page 148, published 1971).
          Q. Will the Warning be a visible thing or an interior thing or both?
          A. The Warning is a thing that comes directly from God and will be visible throughout the entire world, in whatever place anyone might be.

          Evidence 2. Refer to Francisco Sanchez-Ventura book Las Apariciones no Son un Mito 1965 page 251, or the English translation of the book page 179. Therein Conchita states “What I do know is that it will be visible to everybody.” Joseph A Pelletier translates the Spanish as “I know it will be visible all over the world.” (Page 147 Our Lady Comes to Garabandal Including Conchita’s Diary).

          Evidence 3. Mr and Mrs Robert Froelich from the state of New York interviewed Conchita in October 1968 and asked.
          Q. We have heard that some say the Warning may be a natural phenomenon but will be used by God to speak to mankind?
          A. The Warning is something supernatural and will not be explained by science. It will be seen and felt.

          You then propose that Conchita only becomes explicit about the visible aspects of the Warning from 1980 onwards and to support this you refer readers to a YouTube interview dated 1980 at 1:50 minutes and 2:40 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCDDtD-mZYk

          You provide the following transcript from the interview
          Q: It (the Warning) is not going to hurt you?
          A: (Conchita), No. To me, it’s like two stars… that crash and make a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don’t fall… It’s something that’s not going to hurt us but we’re going to see it.

          You then raise the question: ‘What made Conchita, (who is, as we all know, very attentive not to reveal too much), change her mind about this issue between 1972 and 1980?’ (you go on to say), ‘I have an educated guess (to be euphemistic) about this. It was simply that she followed the news, particularly in regard to aspects that related to her heavenly mission.’ You then offer 15 web links to sites pushing the Nibiru story from 1975, describing them as scientific and as being creditable news agencies; you thus imply Conchita would have been aware of such and conclude by insisting ‘that it is I and Aviso who [should] stick to the evidence.’

          My Point 2: If you had done your research and stuck to the evidence yourself then you would never have drawn the conclusions you did, which are:
          a. Conchita only became explicit about the visible nature of the Warning because she became familiar with Nibiru propaganda in the mid 70s.
          b. Conchita’s 1980 description of the Warning as being “like two stars… that crash and make a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don’t fall.” is further evidence in your view, that the Warning is associated with the Nibiru theory.

          Evidence 4: I refer you to the statement in Evidence 3 above. The Warning is something supernatural and will not be explained by science.

          Evidence 5: “The Warning will be recognised and accepted by the world as a direct sign from God.” (Answer to questions submitted to Conchita on September 14th 1965 by Joey Lomangino and several friends) My source God Speaks at Garabandal first edition copy 1970 signed by Joseph A. Pelletier. Clearly, if science can explain the event, how will it then be accepted by an atheistic world as being a ‘direct sign from God?’

          Evidence 6: The Mr and Mrs Robert Froelich 1968 interview with Conchita, also included the question;
          Q. Conchita what about the many people who do not know Christ; how will they understand the Warning?
          A. For those who do not know Christ (non-Christian) they will believe it is a warning from God.

          In conclusion: Conchita has been very candid in public about the nature of the visible aspects of the Warning, even from 1965 when she first received the Message from Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Secondly, she has also from the beginning been explicit about the supernatural aspect of the Warning. The assertions you present in your (published and unpublished) post(s) are wrong as has been evidenced. The content of your comments is therefore misleading and the authority you claim, particularly in asserting Garabandal is somehow inextricably linked to unfounded astronomical events, is entirely baseless. This is why I censure what you write and not because I have a Soviet era mentality to free speech. It is because I intend, as does Aviso, to preserve the integrity of the Blog’s content. Opinion is very welcome, but please take note of the advice given when it is offered by those who have been involved in and researched the subject over many decades.

          God bless you and let’s keep praying for each other.

          NB: Our Holy Mother has come to call us to Peace and Joy in God our Father, not to frighten us in to submission.

    • Any chance anyone would be willing to translate? My Italian is sketchy at best. I pick up words here and there but would love to have a better understanding of what Fr. is saying.

      • Hi Mary,
        It’a very strong statement. In synthesis: some priests in Italy are starting challenging openly the legitimacy of Pope Francis as a pope, and consider invalid the Liturgy celebrated ‘in union’ with him and even doubt, based on Canonic Law, that the Consecration of the particles happens effectively in such celebrations. They will thus start, from 16th July 2018, to celebrate ‘in union’ with Pope Benedict XVI, which they considers the one and only legitimate Pope. Moreover they maintain that, according to Canon Law, being an heretic, Bergoglio is destituted from any official ministry in the Church and excommunicated ‘latae sententiae’ (means without the need of a formal Canonical trial or procedure or, more simply, automatically).
        As I will not post long texts on this website anymore (I wish I have more spare time to waste, but unfortunately I have not!), as it is now featuring an unacceptable (at least to me) level of censorship, if you wish to know more (you, or anybody else!), please do not hesitate to write me privately at: sabrina.demma@gmail.com.
        God bless us all!

      • I would like to clarify that I personally don’t trust Fr Minutella, because of the cult of personality around himself, although I agree with many of his ideas around this pope and the freemasonry infiltrated in the Church (but I suppose most of us already know this stuff quite well!). Moreover, being schismatic will not help him and the flock as we MUST remain in the mystical body of the Catholic church and firmly believe God will finally give another pope. If any of you is interested in much more theological explanations and exceptional understanding, I would suggest to listen to and read Antonio Livi, now seriously persecuted by this false church. God bless

    • This is really a bombshell! Fr Minutella is saying they will celebrate Mass una cum papam Benedictus, basically this is a schism. He said clearly that all the Cardinals and Bishops who know the truth, so the illegal election of Pope Francis, and remain in silence will be sent to Hell. I think the situation is changing very quickly and, whatever are our believes, we will soon witness a dramatic event in our Church. Let us pray our Lady

  12. Dear friends of Garabandal,

    There is a lot of confusion at the moment about the big message from Garabandal. Please wait for the latest information from Aviso when talking to the villagers in the village. I think the people in Garabandal will have a better insight into the latest developments in prophecy.
    Personally, I am convinced that the emeritus Pope Benedict XVI is the last Pope in the end times who will see the great miracle from wherever he is. One thinks he is 91 years old, so one can very well conclude that we are very close to the warning and the merciful miracle without speculating about more precise dates.

    Very much praised the Lord

  13. Well, what are we trying to prove and why? First…we have been told the ‘etc’ is Revelations 3-8 Chapters. So that is the answer, simple. Next, I do not foresee Portugal changing dogma, however, I do see our Church in general sliding into serious problems by not maintaining dogma and doctrine, thus deeply subverting the Church. While people observing this issue, can understand that our hierarchy is under great attack, has been under this attack for the last 100 years, and the only ‘way out’ is the Consecration of Russia, one does not any longer question the machination of the letter (s).
    Whether we did not obey our Blessed Mother in 1957, or do not obey her now, obedience is the total issue. Obedience! How many words/ or pages, who read/did not read…who lied / did not lie…etc, but who will finally stand up and say ENOUGH ‘ We must read the letter” and Consecrate Russia to our Blessed Mother… then realize if we don’t ~ we bring the wrath of our Lord down upon ourselves. Seems very simple, no heavy duty theology to understand, no ‘past the time limit’, no ‘will not work now’ …no, none of that, no more excuses… just the request to be completed. She is Queen of Heaven and earth, and the Blessed Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He sent her. Her time. Interesting predicament. Seems the Church has painted us into a corner. Time is everything, is it not?

    • Dear Ro,
      “etc…” is BEFORE the mentioning of the chapters of Revelation (on which I fully agree!) and it stands for a part of the first sentence that the Vatican has voluntarily hidden (which would be self-explaining if the rest of the sentence was that the Vatican was to become house for the antichrist!).
      The Consecration will happen, as Our Lady stated, AFTER (unfortunately) we experience the mentioned chapters of the Apocalypse (Revelation).
      God bless you.

      • Thank you for your reply, As to your good points, we still don’t know the rest after ‘etc’…nor do we have a definite knowledge that we will know. Yes, we are at war, and yes this is multi-dimensional works with our Blessed Lady leading the army, however, it is already done. Yet, we still have not made the Consecration of Russia to the Blessed Mother. Seems I am trying to say is this is a potato e-potauto expression. It is not going well at all, no matter if we know the ending to ‘etc’ or not. It is written in Revelations 8-13. How sad, yet ‘This too must come to pass”. Keep looking up.

    • There is nothing more to prove , really! This is a WAR at every level and we are all enlisted, we just need to choose which side to fight for. I definitely pray for the many priests who so disgracefully betrayed our Lord. I also pray for the heroic nuns, especially those in enclosed convents, who are helping our world by their unceasing prayers. I strongly believe that without their powerful intercession we would be dead already, spiritually speaking. I do not expect a meteor or planet to fall on our earth or any special effect at all. As far as I am concerned, I saw the horrible consequences of my mistakes and sins and that is already awful. The awakening of our conscience is painful yet necessary. We are not here, I suppose, to judge without judging ourselves first. I agree totally with Don Minutella. God is merciful but also just, we should seriously be afraid of His wrath.
      Psalm 9:7-8
      But the LORD abides forever; He has established His throne for judgment, And He will judge the world in righteousness; He will execute judgment for the peoples with equity.

      Romans 12:19
      Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.

      Colossians 3:25
      For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality.

      • No planet to hit Earth (fortunately)! Some asteroids hitting it? Probably (the quantity and dimension depends on the intensity of the future conversion of humanity). It’s all written in Revelation, chapter VIII-XIII. Let’s continue hoping, praying and sacrificing.
        God bless!

  14. Dear Aviso,

    I am very much compelled to a second exception to my original decision (sorry about that!).
    The reasons of my further derogation today are the following:
    1. I liked very much your reply to my first exception on the previous article. Many thanks indeed, and that’s it.
    2. The comment from Elena on this post puzzled me: it’s true, it seems that Portugal is loosing at least some dogmas of the faith…right now. I am surprised and I suffer for this. But I must acknowledge the reality.
    3. I am convinced you know much more than you would like us to believe and, in a sense, you are challenging us to find the truth ourself, giving us some hints.

    I start from point 3.
    – you mentioned Portugal as the smallest Catholic country, but you know that that’s not true. there is a smaller one (at least in terms of populations and surface: tha Vatican.
    – you published on the cover of this post in the home page an image of Our Lady of La Salette ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_La_Salette ) while dealing about Fatima. This cannot be by chance…You told us something…(to me, voluntarily).
    – you said that you do not know what the Secret says is in place of the dots but, to me, you knows or at least you are pretty sure of…
    So let me trying completing the dots.
    “in Portugal the Dogma of the Faith will always be Preserved…BUT…Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist…” as Our Lady had said also previously, at La Salette ( http://www.catholictradition.org/Mary/salette3.htm )
    I prefer this option to the one in which Our Lady mentions a boring list of countries…it’s more in line with Her Majesty character and style, for what I know. And in fact it is exactly what is about to happen. When Benedict the XVI, the legitimate pope, will die he will stop to be the Kateckon ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katechon ) and the ‘Son of perdition’ means the antichrist, will enter into the world…This will happen in Rome. I do not know if Bergoglio, who currently is the False Prophet will provide the body for the Son of perdition also, or if we will have another delinquent at his place…we’ll see. The important thing is to realize the (end-)times we are living in…
    Let’s now cover point 2. (Elena’s comment) tighter with you subtle observation: ‘Dogma’ (singular) instead of Dogmas (plural).
    There are currently almost 358 Dogmas on the Catholic Church (to be more precise 255 are formally proclaimed Dogmas while the rest are items of faith deemed infallibly true but not yet formalized as Dogmas) : holyjoe.org/dogmas.doc
    I would expect that it’s normal that, in period in which the antichrist in person is about to seat on the Petrine throne, some of these 355 statement will be temporarily abandoned. So the issue is: which one is the Dogma Our Lady was referring to at Fatima and that Rome will lose, but Portugal will not.
    I hazard here two hypothesis:
    1. the Dogma that Mary herself has defended and maintained in Lourdes: Her Immaculate Conception
    2. The real presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist, even after the Liturgical Consecration (.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_presence_of_Christ_in_the_Eucharist )
    Both options are consistent with what’s happening right in front of our eyes. The first is particularly in line with the main role of Our Lady in God’s plan: the final defeat of satan: no surprise if the final battle will be related to the Dogma which states her main privilege: being the only creatural space absolutely free from sin since Her Conception. The second option would explain why Bergoglio, and before him several post Vatican II popes has devoted so may energies to try to ‘protestantize’ the Catholic Church, in order to weaken the Real Presence sentiment in the Catholic believers and why, contrarily, Our Lady reccommends the Eucharistic Adoration any time she appears on Earth. Again, time will teach us.

    Now I have to stick to my commitment…Keeping silent…At least for a while.

    You all are in my prayers. God bless us all. May Our Lady enlighten our earthly path.

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