Fr. Gruner’s letter About his meeting with The Russians online ! Update


I Happen to know one of Fr.Gruner’s benefactors who gave me a copy of a special report sent to him from Fr. Gruner which gives additional details of this aforementioned event at the Ambassy.

Considering Fr. Gruner’s recent passing away and the fact that the world is running out of time before the commencement of the Chastisements, I feel it is an opportune time and a benefit to those interested in the Fatima message to make known some of these details.

Here is a copy of part of the Letter :

Father Gruner 3

                                                                             Father Gruner 2

March 05, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Dear [name omitted] :

The time has come to tell you things that I have had to keep secret until now. […]

Things have been happening behind the scenes. No sooner had I returned from Rome after our attempt to make the papally promised (but unfulfilled) October 13, 2013 consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart a consecration of Russia, then I had to go back to Rome. why ?

Our office in Rome received a phone call – from the Russian Embassy!

The Russian official let it be known, in that roundabout language that diplomats use, that the Russians wanted to meet with me! He said that if I were in Rome, the embassy would welcome a visit from me.

When I found out, I wondered what it could mean.

I knew that in a few weeks time, Vladimir Putin was to meet with Pope Francis in Rome. Could the call and the meeting be connected?

I wondered what should I do, [name omitted]?

I was tired from my recent travels and the demands that our campaign in Rome had made upon my energy. I am 71 and not quite as resilient as I once was.

The apostolate was also broke from our Rome campaign and all the costs of printing and distributing 200,000 copies of L’Osservatore Fatima and our other publicity. We had no money left for such travel.

I always want to be able to respond to the opportunities Our Lady offer us, but I also have to look at our bank account and measure what we want to do against what we are able to pay for.

So I did not act immediately. I also wondered how important such a meeting might be? Would the expense be justified and where would the money come from?


Somehow, through diplomatic channels, he had learned the Russians had approached me. This Cardinal has shown his support for our apostolate in the past. I knew him as a trusted friend.


I have never refused an opportunity to serve our Lady and make her Message known and obeyed. And now, it appeared plainly, an opportunity was being placed before me. Of course I went!

It is a bit intimidating to meet with powerful people and not always easy to read their expressions and know what is in their minds. And diplomats have their own coded language that is not always easy to decipher.

Still [name omitted], I went, a priest whose only claim to fame is an apostolate that has struggled for almost 36 years to keep its financial head above water so that the Message of our Lady of Fatima can be know in its fullness – and obeyed!

I sat facing a high ranking representative of one of the most powerful nations on Earth – Russia, the nation specifically mentioned by our Lady of Fatima Prophecies – and I did what I have always done :

I repeated Her Message and Her Promises.

This was apparently why I had been asked to see them.


You might wonder : The Russians were in Rome – The seat of governance for the worldwide Catholic Church, with several pontifical universities, numerous scholars, scores of priests, bishops and Cardinals.

They had many sources of information available to them; many highly placed Church officials they could have consulted. BUT-


And it was obvious to our Vatican based Cardinal that they wanted to hear it from me before the Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis on Nov. 25!

I told the Russians what our Lady told us, though the seers in 1917, and in later messages given through Sister Lucy. I told them that the Pope and bishops had been requested to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


I told them that if this were done, Our Lady promised that Russia would be converted and a period of peace granted to the world.


I told them of Our Apostolate, of our decades of work, of our attempt to have the Pope and bishops do as our Lady asked, and the long history of disobedience to Her requests. And I told them of the terrible consequences of continued disobedience.


Why, I wonder, will not the leaders of the Catholic Church listen? If only I could sit down with the Holy Father and speak to him as I spoke to the Russians!


What came of my interview with the Russian officials?

I cannot say for certain. Vladimir Putin did meet of Pope Francis on November 25, 2013. He brought an Icon of our Lady as a gift, which both he and the Holy Father kissed before their talk commenced.

So we know this much [name omitted]: the meeting began with an act of reverence toward Our Lady. Her grace, Her presence was invoked. Can Her grace ever fail?

And although we do not know all of what was said, we know that peace was the mean topic. And we know that the Russians President must have been briefed by the Embassy officials in Rome before the meeting. What did they tell him about Fatima?

Busy, important people do not waste their time on frivolous interviews. If the Russians went out of their way to arrange an interview with me, they must have had their reasons for choosing to speak with me rather than the Vatican Secretary of State’s office.

How did they know about me, about our apostolate and our office in Rome? Just weeks before, we had been in Rome campaigning for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As part of that campaign:

We hired trotters – billboards on trucks – to travel about Rome calling for the consecration of Russia on Oct. 13, as our Lady of Fatima specified. Much of Rome saw the billboards along with 1000s of our posters.

We printed and distributed 200,000 copies of L’Osservatore Fatima throughout Rome – to businesses, homes, apartments, on the street, in St. Peter’s Square.

We published a four-page advertorial calling for the consecration of Russia in Il Tempo – a large daily newspaper in Rome that was doubtless seen by 100s of 1000s of people.

I was interviewed by Oggi, the most popular news magazine in Italy which published an article about our mission in Rome!

We worked our personal contacts in Rome! We spoke to clergy, to bishops, to media people, to everyone and anyone who was willing to listen!


But in the end, the consecration did not take place. In fact, I was detained by Vatican security and questioned when I came to St. Peter’s Square. No less than the head of Vatican security told me not to go near the Pope!

So we know the Vatican was aware of our Presence. How could they not be? And we know the anti-Fatima forces were still in positions of power in the Vatican. That may explain why the promised consecration became a weak act of “entrustment.”

Not only was Russia not mentioned. The world was not mentioned! The Pope’s plans had been derailed – by whom and for what reason, we do not yet know. But something went wrong!

[Name omitted], my disappointment was great. I’ll admit. I felt heartsick. Another opportunity lost! How much longer can we delay the consecration before the most unthinkable chastisements unfold, I asked myself?

And, of course, I had to deal with the tremendous expense of our campaign. We were deep in the red. Had it been worth it? What did we accomplish, I wondered?

Then, the Russians called!

The Russians had noticed our campaign. They were watching to see what the Vatican would do. And they thought it important to learn all they could about the truth of Fatima before the President of Russia met with the Vicar of Christ!

Now, the Kremlin is Fatima-conscious!

Vladimir Putin is Fatima-conscious!

Where will it all lead? Eventually, we know, it will lead to the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and the bishops.

Eventually, it will lead to the conversion of Russia and world peace. Our Lady has promised. We have Heaven’s word!

What role we will have played in this great drama is not for me to say. I have no way of knowing precisely. But I know this –




If we had not gone to Rome to work for the Consecration on October13, 2013 I don’t think the Russians would have wanted to speak to me before Putin met with the Pope. Perhaps, this was the plan of Providence all along.

The old saying, “Man proposes, God disposes” is ever relevant. We campaigned for a consecration; we got a meeting with the Russian embassy. Nothing goes to waste in the economy of salvation. Nothing happens outside of the Divine plan.

What will come of the meeting with the Russians? Perhaps it has already produced its result and is working itself out at this moment. We must have faith and be patient. After all, we are God’s servants, not his counsellors.

I am telling you about this episode now so that you will know how important it is for the Fatima Center to be able to respond to unforeseen circumstances and opportunities.

[I’m omitting several paragraphs here which consisted of Fr. Gruner explaining the necessity of generosity of benefactors for his apostolate and to humbly request further assistance for an emergency fund for events like the one he just described]

[Name omitted], are you with me? I need your Prayers and your alms. If you stand with me, and we stand with our Lady, there is nothing we cannot accomplish when called upon. Know that I always bless you and you are in my Prayers.

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Father Nicholas Gruner

My Comment    No Comment !




09 September 2021

Important document which I deceided to put back on home page, Please Pray for us Father Gruner.


60 thoughts on “Fr. Gruner’s letter About his meeting with The Russians online ! Update

  1. Pingback: La importancia de la consagración de Rusia –

  2. Make a Fatima bishop specific to each country and do it fast.. have aback up bishop for any mishaps and reserves ready to step in at the moment of the ceremony be flexible time is of the essence…..

  3. Thanks for the Lord’s servant. We need peace ASAP…the war is against climate change…peace for our home and Covid. Tbe military industrial complex need not be sidelined…their technology is needed for disasters on a world scale. We need sustainable high quality food to fight disease and we need to address the wild west (metaphor) internet. Anyone using nuclear weapons is potentially an international criminal because war is declared on everyo e because radiation knows no borders .. we need no criminals… we need states men…the needs to make specific Fatima conseration bishops for each country or let Benedict do it.May you with with the Spirit. Amen

    • It looks like this is set to be rolled out in three phases: first a diocesan phase beginning next month, then a continental phase beginning in March, 2022, then the final synod at the Vatican in October 2023.
      Let’s hope that the first phase of this constitutes the pre-Warning spoken of by Mother Nieves. Pray this whole thing is interrupted by the Warning.
      If anyone cares to join me, I am on day 28 of a perpetual rosary novena for the restoration of the Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI. He is the true Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Pontiff. Almighty God is Truth itself, thus it stands to reason. We are called to serve the Truth!

  4. My Friends some of you contacted me (again) about the Great Miracle on tv, it looks that some false rumors about it are still online, please let me be clear again, the Glenn hudson and company are not at the service of the Lady of Garabandal and why ? They do not know Garabandal, most of them do not know the village at all, de facto none of them should be trust, what they know is related to some books and few pictures with Conchita one of the Garabandal seer and thats all, you must be in the village for the D Day and not front of your tv, I wanted to be clear again, thank you.

  5. Abp. Viganò: COVID-19 vaccine, passport drive ‘an epochal war’ and ‘prelude to the end times’

    Read more :

    Bishop Schneider believes it is also a sign of the last times where even the good ones are confused. (Mt. 24:24)

    Read more :

    My Comment : 2 Princes of the Church guided by the Holy Spirit, where the holy spirit is, there is the truth, let us follow the holy spirit

    • Dear All

      A good friend sent me the below video. Please take the time to listen all the way through. Juan, from a medical perspective you are the best qualified to comment on this video so I’d be very interested in your views.

      On an aside, there is a phrase Vladimir Zelenko, MD uses in his testimony which, without his intent I’m sure, does make one think of the act of idolatry that took place in the Vatican during the Amazonian Synod, and the warning given by exorcists prior to that synod.

      God bless

        • A note made by @mattruppe on Twitter worth pondering:

          “Archbishop Vigano pointed out recently at the end of answering a question for The Vigano Tapes something only a few people had astutely observed: Jesuits are not allowed to be pope. Archbishop Vigano, nothing gets passed him.”

          Bergolio should not be Pope, is he breaking his vow of obedience?

          God bless

  6. Hi Aviso and All

    I’m sure you may have seen this video with Fr Paul Kramer setting out what Putin said to Fr. Bergolio in 2013 which is directly related to the posted letter from Fr Gruner . He also states how Fr. Bergolio responded.

    God bless

  7. Pope Benedict is born on April 16th 1927 so the Pope got 94 Years last April 2021, I am not sure but I think the Holy Father is probably now one of the oldest Pope in the history of the Church, to check anyway, thank you.

  8. Back again to serious matters, My Friends I was asked via Juan to give my testimony of my own conversion in the village of Garabandal years ago by the team of the Garabandal Movie, it looks that a new movie is on the way with more details especially about the Garabandal Prophecies if I understood well and from next August, by the way the same request was sent to me last year via my good Friend Pierre Jean but that time I refused and did not wanted to talk about it online, today and for your information, I agreed and will testify front of a camera for the new movie, I own that to our Lady of the Carmel so I will do it, de facto I will probably be in the village in August, I am in contact with the team in question to organise it, will keep you in touch, please Pray for me, thank you.

  9. Message from RY
    Hi Aviso, it has been a long time, I don’t send spam, in the forum they were saying that I’m Ron Conte, others said “Raymond reminds me of Aviso.” Like they don’t know my true identity, they maybe thought that I was you. I don’t use proxies, they’re very insecure and they can be very easily tracked. I use real superior advanced protection when I navigate the Internet, unlimited IP addresses and undetectable. That’s how I keep myself protected, and for defense only. I’m very friendly, but our community is large, and some of them are not, they’re responsible for their own acts. I received many attacks in the forum, as you know, the new members always get bullied and treated unfairly. There were many threats and mean stuff, but it is what it is, 10 against 1, Glenn called us coward, he said the he likes to talk face to face, but he didn’t send us location, rather he went into hidden mode. I may try to contact him at his emaiI (g***********, He removed some of his offensive posts ( he throw the stone and hide his hand), I backed them up, but I understand him, is not good for his reputation. Don’t know much about your life Aviso, but I can say that You and Glenn are not friends, and I understand you. Padraig send me threats, I was ready to call him at his phone number that ends with “28”, he appeared to be a nice guy at the beginning, for me he was the psychologist of the crew, but didn’t work well for him. Most of my interactions were with Carol55, I was really enjoying it, I don’t have anything bad to say to her, but she was putting many traps on me, she’s very clever. Brian Kopp insulted me, but I really didn’t wanted to interact with him, because his health hasn’t been so good lately, but if he wishes, I can write to him also (k***** But there were other annoying people that came out from the ass of nowhere, I was only defending myself. It wasn’t my intention to create conflicts, and I apologize if I did them, I only wanted to share what I know and what I do best. Maybe there was as a misunderstanding, I don’t know, I’m from a different culture, and my English is not so good. I will like to forget everything, they can simply remove the harmful threads “The Warning” and “Random insights on sequence of events”, and we can be in peace, I was never the aggressor, and I can proofed it. But it’s up to them. If they want peace, we can have peace. In my life I had meet with very dangerous people, now they support me with charities works, this is a very crazy life. Who knows why God send me to the motheofgod website, I don’t believe in coincidences, everything is done for a reason. At the end of the day we are Christians, but like I said, it’s up to them to remove the harmful forum threads mentioned above (let’s see what they have in their hearts), and we can make as if nothing happened, I promise that they will never hear from us again. But they need to respond now. And for you Aviso, we have had our issues in the past, but ours was never personal it was theological, I still support your hard work.

    • Now your turn Raymond, what you have done to me ? what a mess you left there, calling yourself what ? The apostle of the end of times, are your serious my Friend ? did you lost your mind or what ? and now you want to fight with some of them, let me be clear, find out the email of the owner of the forum in question, apologies to him as he just apologies to me and apologies to all the members who were in touch with you, this is my first suggestion then find out who was behind the hacking using my Name of this Great forum where I still have many good friends, if you have his name or IP give it to me, I count on you, for the rest I have nothing else to add, thank you.

      PS : For any information abou the hacker, please contact me in private with the details, thanks.

      • Message RY
        Nobody is talking about war, put on your glasses, I haven’t used your name, I don’t even know your name, you are called Aviso, did you lost your mine? I’m the Apostole of the End Times, lets be honest, you don’t even know what that means. If someone doesn’t agree fine, they can move away, but that doesn’t give them the right to offend me. I have nothing else to say, please don’t wast my time with nonsense.

        • Fine Raymond, I understand now what I was told, I am French and my name is Alban Bertin, every one knows it, my online Name is Aviso for years and some members of your team or facebook page used it with something like “Aviso is back” and sent about 500 spams to the forum in question, if you do not give me the details, I will found out myself who was behind it and will use any legal matters for it, there is no war with me, Never, just Respect and serious, so I count on you to give me the requested details about the hacking, thank you again for your understanding.

  10. Another example of my work used without permission and copyright below and always from the same team :

    Letter below was sent from Conchita to a friend (translated from French to English ). I called her yesterday to confirm the letter and get permission to post it here for your benefit.

    I send you this letter that I wrote a few days ago, in case it might help a sick person :

    Even illness is a gift of God in our life.
    I had and I experienced that illness and healing are the same thing, a mysterious gift of God.
    More than five years ago, while playing (at the beach ) sea with one of my granddaughters, the sun burned my face.
    When my skin was burned, a dark freckle appeared. I felt it was a melanoma, a cancer. During all these years, I hid it so no one would comment. Day after day and year after year, seeing how the freckle continued to grow, increased in me the certainty and fear of cancer. But I had the feeling that my soul was being cleaned as everything that bothered me. To be happy with true happiness, which is to live focused on one goal, going to Heaven. Until three weeks ago, the freckle continued to grow and a tumor formed under the freckle, so difficult to hide anymore. So I decided to put a bandage so that nobody would tell me anything .. Meanwhile, I was praying to God for my health, so that he will take away this freckle, but inside me, I felt that it was what I needed, for my good.
    My daughter, a nurse seeing how it grew up, went to see the doctor. the same afternoon, I changed the dressing to a smaller one because I was going to a basketball game of my nephews.
    Removing the bandage, the freckle with the tumor opened as if someone had cut it all around, some blood came out. I showed it to my daughter and told her:
    Cancel the consultation with the doctor, at that time I knew that I was cured, I put the bandage and I went to the match. The next day, when I woke up, the bandage had fallen and my face showed no trace of the tumor. I thanked God, I felt in my soul that he said: Give me Thanks also for the Cross. I realized that years with fear of cancer suffering were as good and miraculous as healing. I wanted to write this experience in case someone reads it and is sick, so that he also thinks that it’s good for him. Although he does not want to accept it, one day he will feel the need to give a kiss to God, in thanks.
    Glenn, Apr 30, 2019 #1906

    Beth B, Billy Hill, Sam and 4 others like this

    My Comment : This is my own traduction and own article via my friend Bastiano, where is the link to my blog as to Bastiano’s blog ? so thanks again to those who informed me again (tired day for me by imaging they are able to use even my own traduction from French to English after hacking my name and so on) but without any link to my blog of course and so on as usual with any hackers, any way this won’t be forgotten as well, thank you again for the news.

    Enough for today !

    The link below :

  11. Thanks for contacting me directly, Aviso. My sincere apologies for my own part in the misunderstanding at the Mother of God forum.

    Also, PLEASE see my second email to you, as it relates directly to Fr. Gruner’s meeting with the Russians, and what may have precipitated it.

    • Hi Brian, I replied to your last email, I am sorry but in no way your apologies will be sufficient, I explained to you my wish and hopefuly we will be able to resolve this problem as soon as possible, please feel free to copy my reply in private to you there as well, thank you.

      PS : By the way I am still waiting for the reply from the hacker himself, let me add that I still have many good friends over there, I salute them all, keep the good work there and anywhere else, you know my english, my work, my devotion to our Lady and my way to talk, it is not the first time that my name is used or hacked but you will always be able to contact me directly as some of you have done today to get my opinion and reply regarding any slander about me, thank you again for your Prayers.

    • Back to serious matter, so By the way Brian, I have read the second part of your email and the link you sent about the Russians and Putin which I will add below, this is my Friend great work from you, you are writting as a Great Soldier of the Lord, you remind me our good friend Mac, I am trying to find out the article he also wrote for my blog years ago about our Lady of Fatima but I cannot find it out yet, we have written 100s of articles on the blog so it’s not easy always to find back some of them but will try again whenever I have more time, so below what Brian wrote before the meeting between Putin and Francis in 2013 and related to this thread about Father Gruner’s letter, thank you :

  12. By the way attempting to wreck and undermine a Catholic Marian web site like Mother of God is a really wicked thing to be doing. It is the work of the devil.

    I understand he is unwell; but still it is quite wicked.

    He will have to answer one day to God for it.

    I hope he reads this.

    My Comment : Copy to my Lawyer as well before cleaning, sure they will probably do it quickly, Cristina please take it as well and let me know if it is enough in private, by the way I have contacted one of their moderator for my right of reply, thank you.

    JUFRESA Y GRASAS, Abogados Penalistas. S.L.P

    Este mensaje y sus archivos adjuntos son confidenciales y únicamente podrán ser usados por la persona o entidad a la que van dirigidos. Este mensaje puede contener información confidencial o legalmente protegida. No hay renuncia a la confidencialidad o secreto profesional por cualquier transmisión defectuosa o errónea. Si usted ha recibido este mensaje por error notifíqueselo inmediatamente al remitente.

    De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, le informamos que sus datos personales son tratados por JUFRESA & GRASAS ABOGADOS PENALISTAS SLP, con la finalidad de gestionar y mantener las relaciones profesionales que nos unen con Usted. Sus datos podrán ser cedidos a las entidades y administraciones públicas necesarias para la realización de dicha gestión. Este tratamiento de datos es necesario para mantener dicha relación profesional. Los datos se eliminarán cuando finalicen los plazos de prescripción marcados por la ley, conservándose únicamente para atender posibles reclamaciones. Ud. puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición, portabilidad y limitación del tratamiento de sus datos dirigiéndose a JUFRESA & GRASAS ABOGADOS PENALISTAS SLP, Av. Diagonal N º 558-564, 4º 1; 08021 Barcelona (Barcelona) o a, acompañando copia de su DNI acreditando debidamente su identidad. En cualquier situación, Ud. tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD).

  13. Right of Reply for slander :

    He was using a proxy server, so being banned did not stop him.

    He came in this morning as new member ‘Alois’ with the motto ‘Aiviso’ is back’ and began mass spamming.

    My software showed several members including Raymond Yerks share the same proxy addresses in South America and Germany.

    The spamming links were to Adviso’s Garabandal Site.

    In my opinion Adviso showed strong evidence of mental instability and this confirms it.

    I would be 99% per cent sure of all this.

    Anyway I am convinced he has some kind of fixation and will be back so you can check all this out for yourself when he shows up again, or go to his website and ask him yourself. He’s not really keeping any of this too hidden.

    My Comment : Those are slanders from a Medjugorjist Promoter and if you have a minimum sense of honor, you should correct it and apologies or I will not hesitate to complain, be sure of it, thank you.

    Woaa……My Good friends and thanks again to those who contact me directly, some tried to use my works or my Name recently according to your emails, I do not get it exactly and on the former forum where I was banned last year, if you remember I had 2 threads called Garabandal News as my blog and Aviso News, by the way years of works thrown in 1 click by the greatest expert of Garabandal around this planet and the futur commentator of the Great Miracle on CNN with the blessing of the Medjugorjist and owner of this forum, it looks according to some of you that someone with the name of Raymond Yerks made a mess there or did not respected their roles…etc….probably also had used a disrespectful tone which might remember my way to talk to some there and so on.

    Any way, it is of course not me and my way of talking and hopefully this will be corrected NOW or I will complain for sure for new slanders using my online Name from this forum, so I checked this name within our blog and I got someone with the same name whom I banned as well last year by memory as below :

    Some messages From the so called Raymont Yerks and co (by the way shame on you for using my Name as my works, if you are reading me I will leave you to explain this situation on my blog if you have a minimum sense of honor as well, thank you) :

    The last one was from 2017 :

    Raymond Yerks :

    Hi Aviso, ¿Why you are not accepting my comments? Don’t be jealous of my hard work and the wisdom that God has given me, I am only here to help, you have lack of knowledge about end times prophecies and catholic eschatology, that’s why you can’t publish an endtimes timetable that you promised a long time ago. Maybe you feel bad that I will point out your mistakes, you don’t need to hide or run away, don’t feel guilty for being wrong, feel guilty for not rectifying.

    And some others :

    The Deadline doesn’t seem to be 2017 neither 2029, but any time after 2017 and before 2024. The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary should take place before May 2026 according to prophecy of St Bosco.

    Hi Aviso, I respect your Garabandal studies, but for the rest you don’t have a clue. You’re not going to have discernment of end times prophecies by magic, you really need to study catholic escatology, bible prophecies and private revelations. But don’t get me wrong Mr Aviso, you have very interesting information on your website, you’re good at what you’re doing, but be being good is not enough.

    Hi Aviso, there is speculation that the number of Pines will give the real date for the feast of St Tarcisius, like you know, the Pines and St Tarcisius are connected, there are only 8 Pines left,¿ will it be April 8?
    The Warning could be in an even year by the end of 2020 and the Miracle April 8, 2021.

    Hi Aviso, I finally realize that April 12, 2018 is a very significant date.
    My question is ¿Do you believe that the Warning will take place before WW3 or during WW3? I believe that will be during WW3, in the worst moment of humanity. But tell me your opinion.

    I have many others but will not publish all, I already waste my time enough like this, thank you.


    Copy to my Lawyer

      • I Appreciate your Apologies Padraig but I am sorry my online name (Aviso) is still under slander from you first then from our good Friend Brian…ect…, you are talking about me as having some psychological Problems and so on, this is a shame, having many friends around the net as from the village of Garabandal who are reading any of my messages online, I will ask you again to remove my name from your forum in any Threads, this is my legal right, also I will ask to follow closely one of your moderator who is using some of my articles without respecting the Copyright, this is also not allowed and a legal right.

        By the way and let me reassure you, since you had been probably behind the remove of my 2 Threads on your forum last year by one of your Moderator, years of works throuwn in the trash in 1 click, I never had in mind any wish for going back in your house where I was banned without Respect despite a membership for years, I have nothing else to add about this matter and I count on you for respecting my legal rights and to resolve this problem as soon as possible, thank you again for your understanding.

        PS : My Friends, People knows me very well since years now, who could imagine that I will like to be called something like the Apostle of the end of times or anything like it if I understood well some of your messages in private, come on ! let be serious a bit, thank you.


        • I went ahead and deleted that entire thread, Aviso. If there are any other posts that need edited or deleted, let me know.

          • I appreciate Brian, thank you, below the link where one my article is copied without any link to my blog as to the source which is the blog of my Friend Bastiano, we have not given any authorization for this copy, my request is : Please cancel it as this represent what we call in French : Plagiarism de facto a legal issue as well.


            As I said to Padraig, hopefuly this will not happen anymore in the future.

            Also and this will end this topic, please cancel anything I could have written in this forum, from Day 1 to my exclusion, according to my own laywer this is also a legal right and related to Digital rights, thank you again.

            JUFRESA Y GRASAS, Abogados Penalistas. S.L.P

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  14. And who was aware of Pope Benedict Resignation months before ? none less than one of the greatest enemy of our Lady of Fatima within the Church for years, Cardinal Bertone himself, the former Secretary of State, he and Cardinal Sodano are behind any attemp from Pope John Paul II to Pope Benedict for revealing us more about the 3rd Secret :

    By the way, the new one Parolin and according to what I know, he is even worse than these last 2…….so Fatima Consecration within this regime, forget it !

  15. My Friends, as our readers can see we all have a different view which is normal especially during this time of darkness within the Church but I will stay with Fr. Gruner’s view, who was linking the 2 current Popes with the Fatima 3rd Secret, the Famous Bishop in white and the Holy Father, 2 Popes prophesied also by Blessed Catherine Emmerich as below :

    May 13, 1820 (check the date of this prophecy and the link with Fatima, May 13…etc…)

    “I saw also the Relationship between the two Popes. I saw how harmful would be the conséquences of this false Church. I saw it increase in size ; heretics of every kind came into the city of Rome. The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness”

    Blessed Catherine Emmerich Prophecy of the 2 Popes concerns the future of the Church as she went to God in 1824, below the list of Popes since her death to date :

    1823 – 1829 : Pope Leo XII (1 reigning Pope)

    1829 – 1830 : Pope Pius VIII (1 reigning Pope)

    1831 – 1846 : Pope Gregory XVI (1 reigning Pope)

    1846 – 1878 : Pope Pius IX (1 reigning Pope)

    1878 – 1903 : Pope Leo XIII (1 reigning Pope)

    1903 – 1914 : Pope Pius X (1 reigning Pope)

    1914 – 1922 : Pope Benedict XV (1 reigning Pope)

    1922 – 1939 : Pope Pius XI (1 reigning Pope)

    1939 – 1958 : Pope Pius XII (1 reigning Pope)

    1958 – 1963 : Pope John XXIII (1 reigning Pope)

    1963 – 1978 : Pope Paul VI (1 reigning Pope)

    1978 – 1978 : Pope John Paul I (1 reigning Pope)

    1978 – 2005 : Pope John Paul II (1 reigning Pope)

    2005 – 2013 : Pope Benedict XVI (1 reigning Pope)

    2013 – ? : Pope Francis (2 Popes alive : Pope Francis reigning and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Praying (as they are saying to us))

    So, could we have another Pontificate with 2 Popes (like currently with 1 reigning Pope and for the first time in Church history 1 Emeritus Pope) in the future and which could correspond to Blessed Emmerich Prophecy ? in other words with 2 Popes alive (as she said “I saw also the Relationship between the two Popes” de facto 2 Popes alive), probably not so to me we can safely conclude that her Prophecy was probably related to our Time as for the Fatima 3rd Secret Vision, a Bishop in white and the Holy Father :

    Now about the Pope seeing the Great Miracle from Russia, I got this information from Father Laffineur’s Friends years ago in Garabandal, information which you can find also in the so called “Garabandal Book”, “ from Conchita herself :

    Page 257

    As of Conchita herself : “she also said, thinking back, probably, to her locution of Christ on July 10, 1963, that “I think that, on “D” day, the Pope will be in Russia” though adding : “I say that from my own, not from the Blessed Mother”….

    I can confirm that the “from my own” of Conchita is incorrect, the Pope in Russia for the D Day is for sure a detail from the Blessed Mother, so propably another misquote from this book…..known also for containing 100s of other errors…etc…, thank you.

    • I truly believe that Benedict is the “Bishop dressed in white”. He flees Rome while blessing corpses and goes to a foreign country (Russia?) where he dies in a very bad condition. But this must happen quickly since he is 92 and does not have many more years left (3 to 4 at most). So a revolution MUST occur in Rome so that he flees. If not all bets are off. We must wait for another Pope (NOT Francis). The future is very hazy but we must be patient and keep the faith.

    • Hi Aviso my friend, absolutely right about varying opinions due also in part to the very nature of private revelation, prophesy and at times, its quite ambiguous nature.

      If I may politely suggest, readers put on pause for the moment interpretations on Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s vision, until at least taking a few moments to read my (yet to be finalised) published article on ‘Discerning the Construct and Defeat of the Anti-Church in the Era of the Two Popes,’ (Update Sept 2018). Here I write in detail concerning this particular vision of Blessed Anne Catherine, which as will be noted, refers to two Popes who lived at different times in the history of the Church (Boniface IV and Pius VII) not as some conclude, is referring to contemporaries i.e. reigning at the same time as may be likened to PF1 and BXVI.

      The important message of this vision is not the two Popes but the mystery of iniquity that causes the coexistence of two ‘Churches’ in the institutional church, one is Christ’s Church, is of the Apostles, His Bride the Beloved and another a Dark-Church born of the ‘planetary spirits.’ that is of man’s own making, of his novelties, his false ideas, of improper desires and ambition, of self adoration and subsumption of idolatrous religions.

      This vision is of course as you reiterate Aviso, also relevant for our times, in which as never before we the disciples can see clearly, if we chose to look, this coexistence. We are witness (as no other generation due to the speed, availability and volume of information) to the Dark Church’s rising in power through its calculated and insidious influence over many as they become seduced by its appeals to our flawed reason and sense of fair play, political correctness, mercy, inclusivity, of temperance toward things inordinate, human centered love, a church of no consequence, no judgment, no damnation ‘for indeed how could a good, kind, loving, merciful god permit such eternal sorrow.’

      There is much on this topic to be discerned and unraveled so we must keep picking and discussing. Our Lord was uncompromising in insisting that Blessed Anne persisted in conveying her visions to the Pilgrim despite her reluctance due to her intolerable sufferings. He insisted, He said, because of the immense benefit that would be garnered by generations to come.

      God bless

      • Hi Peter, I respect your opinion but I am not convinced about it especially about your vision of Blessed emerich, be aware also of Akin, as Daniel said a former Heretic known also to be a Francis Supporter, our good Friend Christopher Ferrara put him back to his place, in other words fare from us as below :

        For the rest, I am not also a great supporter of the onepeterfive web site, since the Francis regime in place we have seen many new kind of new Traditionalist online (I call them “I knew it” and so on) and I know also that many of them did not believed or did not supported the Fatima Center works about Fatima (in other words Father Gruner’s himself) before having Francis at the Top, by the way many of them did beleived that the Consecration was done in 1984 by Pope John Paul 2 as well, so as I said online I stay with Michael Matt and also with Louie verrechio sometimes, between us I miss of course the Fatima Priest as John Vennari, below a video from Michael Matt about the Bishop in white and Benedict just before his resignation but I said it also online, the Bishop in white is not Benedict but to me Francis only, in other words I am with Fr. Gruner, enjoy, thank you :

  16. Aviso & Pete thank you both so much for this site and your efforts to keep it current.
    Our beautiful Mother of God and Queen of Heaven is no doubt smiling on you.
    Presently I am reading the prophecies of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and have noted that she has given much of what La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima and Garabandal have given us.
    I’m still trying to marry up all this with the Apocalypse of St John, who spends a lot of time with Anne Catherine, during her visions and experiences.
    In particular she identified the attempted destruction of the Bark Of Peter (Holy Mother Church) by Satan’s workers – the free masons. Her description of free masons is extraordinary and totally accurate. She names freemasonry as well!
    She has also identified the eventual great success and victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary!
    And She has foretold a young and vibrant Pope who will lead the church of Christ following ‘The Warning’, ‘The Miracle’ and ‘The Chastisement’.
    Not sure where WWIII fits in but think it might be after the warning and the miracle and maybe before the chastisement!
    Apocalypse has, at present, confused me on this point!
    I’m still ploughing through Anne Catherine’s story.
    But below is an excerpt that I thought was relevant to all of us who visit this site.
    To me it says do not give up! Always trust in God no matter how bleak things seem to be!
    I will be back with more later!
    God bless all.
    The excerpt – Circa late 1819 – From Vision Anne Catherine had of a Holy Woman. “Unbelief is at its height, unheard-of confusion will reign. But after the storm, faith will be re-established.”

    • Hi John. Thank you for your support. Re Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, I’ve only read Volume 2 so far, a long and difficult read. In it one sees very clearly the constant storms the Church has suffered throughout the centuries. Ours in that respect are not unique. The recurring theme is the ever present Dark Church seeking to take control often portrayed as an unkempt bride intending to usurp The Bride of Christ. A theme Pope JPII alludes to when he is alledged to have warned US Bishops of an anti-church operating within the The Church. Notably her visions of the future are rare, most are of the past and her present day, but as you alluded to, she was shown some events that appear to be of our time and further ahead.

      God bless

  17. Dear Readers,

    In light of the controversies currently surrounding the work of Fr. Nicholas Gruner, I believe it is my obligation to speak of what I know concerning the mind of Fr. Gruner. All of what I write here was either told to me by Fr. Gruner himself on numerous occasions or told me by my dear friend John Vennari in private conversations, either over the phone or face to face. For all of those involved in the controversy, we must remember what Aristotle said when confronted with a fundamental disagreement with his teacher, mentor, and colleague Plato, “Truth is more important than friendship”; and what are we all about but truth.

    First, when Fr. Gruner spoke about the Third Secret, information that he had gleaned from his many relevant sources — whether the information given to Fr. Gruner was accurate or not I have no way of knowing, but I do know that he himself held the following to be true — he indicated that the Third Secret included the following:

    1) Our Lady’s warning that there would be an “evil Council.”
    2) Our Lady’s warning that the Mass was “not to be changed.”
    3) Our Lady’s warning that “one third of the stars shall be swept from the heavens, by tail of the Devil”: Fr. Gruner interpreted this as indicating that 1/3 of the priests and bishops would serve Satan directly.
    4) The Apostasy in the Church “would come from the very top,” in other words, from at least one or more men who were designated as being “the pope.” Cardinal Ciappi — who Fr. Gruner continually cited — was famous for indicating that this was the Third Secret, which he had read himself.

    In other words, Fr. Gruner saw the Third Secret as being a complete vindication of the traditionalist movement. Obviously, in Fr. Gruner’s understanding, the Third Secret was a condemnation of Vatican II, the New Mass, many of the clergy of the post-conciliar Church, and an indication that a man or men designated as pope would be the ones actually pushing the apostasy in the Church. What was Our Lady warning us against? The New Doctrine, the New Mass, the New Priesthood, and the New Popes. How else can we possibly interpret what he said about the Third Secret? The whole purpose of the Third Secret was to warn people against the Novus Ordo religion. This is clearly what Fr. Gruner intended to convey to me.

    With regard to the papacy, however, we must consider this. Fr. Gruner came to believe that Francis I was not a true pope, but that Josef Ratzinger/Benedict XVI had retained the office. So it would have to be Benedict that would consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart and not Francis. John Vennari told me this on two occasions in private after the death of Fr. Gruner. At the time I had not known that this was the case and was surprised. John also said that Father was making statements in this regard during his speeches at his conferences at least by late 2014. John was not pleased by this turn of events at all, not at all.

    During one of the occasions in which John Vennari told me about this new view of Fr. Gruner on the claims of Francis, he also told me about Fr. Gruner’s plans for the future of his organization. John had just found out about these plans and was not at all happy about these plans. According to John, who told me this almost exactly 2 years ago, Fr. Gruner had kept these plans from him, since he knew that John would not approve. Apparently Fr. Gruner had wanted Andrew Cesanek to be his successor, but only after Andy had gone over to Ireland to be trained as a priest by Fr. Paul Kramer and then ordained by Bishop Richard Williamson. John thought that this would be a disaster for the Fatima Center. There is no doubt however that John understood this to be Fr. Gruner’s plan. The entire story totally surprised me since I had no idea that this was the case.

    I hope that the truth of this situation can clarify things. I think that many might not like what I say here, but since Fr. Gruner and John have left us and this is the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of Fatima — I thought that the truth must be told.

    • Thanks for sharing Aviso, it makes perfect sense and should be clear to everyone by now that that which Fatima warned us about, and Fr. Gruner bore witness to, was none other than the construct of the Anti-Church and its consequences for all should it succeed. Do you see now its walls, pillars, stained glass windows and bullwarks forming all around us. It’s unwitting builders, disciples from all levels, the pew, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and yes even to a Bishop dressed in white. Its foundations and masonry of course are the agendas of; sexual, satanic and financial scandals designed to destroy from within the Church’s authority and Her mission to teach all nations through Her Preisthood; it is the destruction of belief in Her Sacramental Lord in the Hoy Eucharist; it is in the ideology that all religions are equal, are willed by God and to be welcomed at the Eucharistic Table; it is the undermining of the Divine Plan for Marriage through acceptance of adultery alongside outreach and inclussivity programmes designed to poison Her blood through the welcome of that diabolical disorientation that is the lies of the LGBT agenda; it’s the destruction of the Sacred Liturgy and Priesthood an ambition of the Amazonian Synod. All are of the Smoke of Satan prepared and made ready in advance of and for Vatican II. And I warn do not be complacent and forget Cardinal Ratzinger was then aclaimed as a neo-modernist theologian, party to the deconstruction of the bastions of the Church during VII and collaborated closely with the likes of Kung, Rahner, Conger and Lubac, all of whom had their writings suppressed during the reign of Pope Pius XII. It is he Cardinal Ratzinger who as Pope Benedict XVI gave rise to the situation whereby the Keys and Seat of St. Peter have passed in to the hands of this maniac and I don’t for one minute accept he didn’t know exactly what he was doing and what would be the consequences as a result. If anyone doesn’t believe me, then get your hands on The Devil’s Final Battle edited and compiled by Fr. Paul Kramer.

      Will Pope Benedict XVI consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, personally I don’t think so. I have an inclination it will be a later Pope, one elected, after the Pope who is to be badly beaten and killed by the soldiers, during which time Francis or Benedict may still be with us as the ‘Bishop in White,’ having retired and gone in to hiding.

      Thanks again Aviso, great work. Always good to hear from you, you seem always able to inspire me to rise up and shout of the hour we suffer.

      God bless

      • Hi Pete, good comment please let me add few words as well, we must understand that Pope Benedict is keeping is Papal clothes and so on for a good and main reason and not for fun, to me this is probably an act of resistance from the Holy Father, in other words when they pushed him to resign that was the only way from him to resist, take the seat of Peter if you like but I will stay within the walls and dressed as the Pope…etc….of course Benedict made a lot of mistakes, especially in 2000 when Pope John Paull II decided to reveal to us the Vision of the 3rd Secret, he had no choice than confirming to the world that the vision was the Full Secret and nothing else (the power within the walls is in the hands of the secretary of states only), that time he himself talked about Fr. Gruner’s Apostolate reminding us that Father Gruner should be more obedient to Rome….etc…but what we got 13 Years later (2000 – 2013), his resignation and the election of the Bishop in white of the Secret, all the Pontificate of this Apostate, the Francis and co, is related directly to the 3rd Secret and if the Consecration is not done at time then this Pontificate will drive us to the terrible Chastisement of the Secret directly, forget any new conclave or any new Holy Pope for a future Consecration…., I know it myself for different reasons and from good sources, I am back online mainly for this main reason, of course I will not be able to avoid anything but I might be able to put the puzzle of the Fatima Drama online. So let me insist again with the Russia of Putin, for the first time we have someone who is aware of it as Fr. Gruner’s letter confirm, via my sources in Garabandal as in Fatima, I was told that the Consecration will not be done in Rome but probably in Russia but for it we need a valid Pope, de facto Francis cannot be that one, Benedict maybe but he is quite old….ect….my fear is a consecration after the chastisement only then in that case you will be right via another Futur and Holy Pope only, of course Rome will be destroyed before as a great part of the world, so if it’s the price to pay for our sins, let it be but in my opinion we still have time to consecrate Russia before the end of Putun mandat as President so before 2024, if not then to me it will be too late, unfortunately for all of us, de facto and to conclude, only a Consecration of Russia can save us and by a valid Pope only, thank you.

        • Part of the Fatima message said that the Pope must consecrate Russia with the union of all the world’s Bishops. For this reason it is unlikely the Pope will consecrate Russia in Russia. Previous consecrations of Russia were invalid because the Bishops resisted and did not participate. If the Pope does consecrate Russia in Russia on his own, then unfortunately it will also be invalid. We must prepare for tribulation and chastisements from God.

        • Hi Aviso, thank you for this further update and tantalising snip-it of more information. A statement you make inspires a closer look, particularly also in view of my earlier comments.

          You confirm ‘I was told that the Consecration will not be done in Rome but probably in Russia but for it we need a valid Pope, de-facto Francis cannot be that one, Benedict maybe but he is quite old….etc….my fear is a consecration after the chastisement.’

          If we place, as we must, the Garabandal prophesies in to context with the Fatima Secrets and both our reflections, there is an outcome that presents itself.

          We know The Warning will occur when things are at their worst and it would not be unreasonable to conclude this is a reference to both the affairs of the Church, (apostasy, schism etc) and the affairs of the World, (social and political): a spiritual war fought in the Church coincidental with anarchy and war across Europe and parts the world. But, is this ‘The Chastisement’ I wonder? Perhaps one with a small ‘c’ or rather a Biblical Tribulation. We know too that the Consecration will occur but it will be late. This can surely only point to a moment when the Tribulation is escalating toward its zenith but not so sever that Rome or the World is left desolate. It cannot logically be after this Tribulation or at its zenith because the whole purpose of the Consecration is to convert Russia and prevent the annihilation of nations, it is going to happen, there will be no annihilation of nations – we have this promise from Heaven! The Consecration may well be an act of desperation rather than faith by the then reigning Pope and Bishops. The Garabandal Warning then occurs as a grace of the Consecration, for only such will effect the necessary and substantive change in the heart, soul and mind of man to halt the direction of human affairs in an absolute fashion.

          The whole World with the Church thus enters its terrible moment of Divine Realisation, the world seems to stop……, all conflicts stop!

          The Miracle follows as does the Permanent Sign at the Pines and the Time of Peace. The period of peace is indeterminate but we know it ends with ‘The Chastisement of Revelation,’ The False Prophet and The Man of Perdition, (The Anti-Christ) and all the signs that surround this figure and time.

          So, who will be that ‘Pope’ the Pope of the Consecration? While Francis is in the Seat and supported by schismatic Bishops, Priests and laity it wont be Pope Benedict XVI, That is because we know that a valid Consecration requires the participation of all Bishops and under this circumstance neither Francis nor Benedict will be able to muster the support of all Bishops to their side. It therefore has to be another, one that can only be the true servant of the Church when the others are no longer persons of influence.

          Hence I suggest that at the sacking of Rome, the Pope (Benedict or Francis depending on one’s point of view) as seen by the Fatima Seers will be martyred. A new Pope during the Tribulation will be elected in secret by the remaining Cardinals, He in collegiality with the remaining Bishops of the World will Consecrate Russia and the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Perhaps it is likely we will not even know it has occurred until later at or after the Warning. The rest as I suggest above will follow.

          Of course this is purely my reflections only, but they are drawn from a life of prayer, love and many years of study on these topics. Of course I accept all may be error and may well/should be refuted by readers, I’m OK with that. Non-the-less, there is a thread of common sense and logic applied to my approach and suggested turn of events. One thing we can be confident of, matters are escalating in all the areas we have discussed on these pages. And it doesn’t bode well, for as I write these words, the BBC News playing in the background is one of escalating tensions between Iran and the West!

          Keep praying brothers and sisters

          God bless you all

          • There is another possibility that reconciles differing viewpoint. It is that there will be a great chastisement with significant depopulation of the world population. This will also include significant depopulation of Bishops in the world. It is possible that the number of Bishops left could be fewer than the number of fingers in a pair of human hands. This will make it possible for the Pope and remaining Bishops to be on the same page or wavelength and they perform the consecration of Russia. I think this scenario is more likely. I also agree that it will not be Ratzinger or Bergoglio who will perform the consecration of Russia – both are not deserving, it will be another Pope.The identity of this Pope will be a mystery.

            As for nations being annihilated, I interpret our lady of Fatima meaning differently. Some nations will be annihilated but our lady of Fatima will intervene to prevent ALL nations being annihilated. The Earth and humans living on Earth will survive at least for another 1000 years during the promised golden age of peace by our lady of Fatima. I say this because our lady of Fatima made two preconditions, one to do with the religious (the Church), the second to do with the secular political world. For the first we know that the Pope will perform the consecration of Russia, as this is our lady of Fatima promise and gift to humanity. The second is conditional on the secular political world reforming itself, that is, turning its back on sin and returning back to God. The second condition is unlikely to happen. This is why there will be a great chastisement and some nations will be annihilated. But the damage will be mitigated when the Pope performs the consecration of Russia, but it will be very late that fallout is not preventable.

            What I have mostly described is the words of our lady of Garabandal. Since Garabandal is a continuation of Fatima, I can make this extrapolation about Fatima. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

        • Rome will be destroyed…that is part of the Chastisement.
          Neither Bergoglio nor Benedict XVI will consecrate Russia: this will be for a future Pope.
          The Consecration will be made by a new Pope, after the Chastisement(s) ,in Constantinople, where part of the holy bones of Saint Peter (the ones desecrated by Paul VI during the satanic ritual mentioned by Malachi Martin and performed in1963, and recently donated by Bergoglio to an Orthodox Patriarch ) will be duly installed after WWIII. At that time, Constantinople will be a Greece territory (Turkey will not exist anymore, Russia will not be allowed to retain Instanbul for geopolitical reasons by the international community).
          Our Lady will fully triumph, but the bloodshed (that should be avoided with a timely Consecration) will be immense.
          God bless.
          Let’s pray.

      • St. Malachy’s prophecy does not account for a gap in time between Pope Benedict XVI and some future pontiff who would bear a resemblance to the title “Peter the Roman.” This has to be it. The Amazon Synod is the bad synod which Our Lady spoke about. Before, we thought that Our Lady must have been referring to the Synod on the Family. This was dismal, to be sure, but it was only laying the groundwork for this October. I am not posing any dates, but 2020 is coming into focus.

        • Thank you for your comment Claudia. In regard to the Amazon Synod, I agree and raised this same point in other comments. As for St Malachi’s prophesy I am less enthusiastic to draw possitive conclusions as to its veracity. I hold a view shared by many that it’s unlikely to be an authentic private revelation. To support this statement I recommend visiting the link below which offers a good synopsis of why to doubt is a reasonable conclusion.

          God bless

          • This interpretation seems plausible to me: after the glory of the olive tree it will come “in pursuit”, and then, Pedro Romano.

          • Jimmy Akin is a Protestant convert who came into the Novus Ordo Church. These converts retain many errors from their former faiths. Do not read anything they write.

          • Dear Pete,
            many thanks (and thank God) for your insightful recent comments…
            The prophecy of Saint Malachi is substantially authentic even if there is the possibility that it has been slightly ‘manipulated’ and rearranged during the centuries…However the prophecy describes the sequence of the future popes IN ROME only. The papacy will continue, don’t worry…but elsewhere (likely in Costantinople, where part of the bones of Saint Peter have recently being translated). Rome, in fact, will not exist anymore as we know it today…
            In the near future, there will be one religion only, obviously represented by our Saint, Catholic and Apostolic Church (in our ‘Creed’ the Church is not required to be ‘Roman’…)
            God bless!
            Let’s pray.

            • Thank you, Aviso, Pete, and Anonymous,
              It is good to consider the prophecy of Our Blessed Mother at Fatima as well as that of St. Malachy. There is much controversy surrounding the Third Secret of Fatima contained in the letter(s) of Sister Lucia de Santos, as well as that of the 112 Popes written down by St. Malachy, but it does not mean we should disregard either as inauthentic. The partial Third Secret of Fatima, released by the Vatican in 2000, we know is not the full secret. At least, those of us who are paying attention, know it is not the full Secret. Likewise, there has been some tinkering with the 112 popes prophecy, but this does not change it’s authenticity.

              About the synod which Conchita spoke of that is to be a pre-warning for the Warning; I just watched the interview with Mother Nieves again. She said that the synod would be an ‘important’ one. She did not say it would be an evil synod. Perhaps the synod we should look to is not the Amazon synod. Perhaps, the Amazon synod will lift the veil, so to speak, and more bishops will begin to take seriously the notion of removing a heretical pope from office and that will be the subject of the synod mentioned by Conchita. Or, perhaps, the Amazon synod is the important one because it will expose the anti-Church in full light of day. More Catholics will begin to wake up and pray.

              We just had some earthquakes here in California last week. 7.1 on the scale. Thank God, no one died. All it would take for the Fatima prophecy to be fulfilled is an earthquake, perhaps 9 or 10 with Rome at the center. We are not wishing or praying for it. Just noting that it could happen. The bones of St. Peter have already been removed to Constantinople and the cornerstone of his tomb sent to Fatima in 2004, I believe.

              Thank you, Aviso, and Pete, for your work in maintaining this as a place for faithful Catholics to be informed about our Faith.

        • Dear Claudia,
          the Saint Malachi’s prophecy speaks about ‘Petrus Romanus’ as the final ‘ruler’ of the Church but clearly he IS NOT A POPE: In fact he is not designed with a latin motto like all the real popes of the sequence but instead with his name (Petrus), his localisation (Romanus) and a description of what will happen to the Church during his inter-reign: final tribulation, destruction of Rome, etc…
          It is thus very possible that Petrus Romanus is either Bergoglio (which regularly qualifiés himself as a Bishop of Rome, as the first Peter) or even the second-in-command in the Vatican, Card. Parolin, who belongs ro the Roman Curia (Romanus?) and whose real name is Pietro (=Petrus): he will be in charge of the ordinary affairs of the Church in case Bergolio dies, resigns or flees…
          In any case…we are near…
          God bless.
          Let’s pray!

        • Dear Claudia
          Guessing about dates is always tricky and insidious…However…about 2020 gaining momentum, I would like to draw the attention on a catholic mystic I recently discovered: Sr Jeanne Le Royer de la Nativité. I could find info on the internet only in French, unfortunately:
          “Malheur ! Malheur ! Malheur au dernier siècle ! Voici ce que Dieu voulut bien me faire voir dans sa Lumière. Je commençai à regarder dans la lumière de Dieu le siècle qui doit commencer en 1800 ; je vis par cette lumière que le jugement n’y était pas, et que ce ne serait pas le dernier siècle. Je considérai, à la faveur de cette même lumière, le siècle de 1900, jusque vers la fin, pour voir positivement si ce serait le dernier. Notre Seigneur me fit connaître, et en même temps me mit en doute, si ce serait à la fin du siècle de 1900, ou dans celui de 2000. Mais ce que j’ai vu, c’est que si le jugement arrivait dans le siècle de 1900, il ne viendrait que vers la fin, et que si le monde franchit ce siècle, les deux premières décades du siècle de 2000 ne passeront pas sans que le jugement n’intervienne, ainsi que je l’ai vu dans la lumière de Dieu…”

          Some more details, if interested:

          God bless,
          Let’s pray.

  18. This priest, to me, was one of the greatest and devoted men to our Lady ‘s request. His efforts, led by Heavenly design, will be as Our Lady has said…”In the end my Immaculate Heart will truimph”! He was so humble, so loving and dedicated, it saddens me to think he thought he might have failed. His efforts and love will surpass all undoings by satan and his minions. So many people have picked up his Cross and continued to carry it. So, with that thought, I think now we wait and pray! And let Our Lord work his wonders.

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